Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League information has been leaking for a few weeks, thanks to data miners poring over game files made available through a “closed alpha tech test” that ran from Nov. 30 to Dec. 3. That technical test was a “smaller, specific section” of the game’s campaign, and its participants were required to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). But, between the lines of all of that work, may be hiding something sinister within the storyline for fan-favorite Poison Ivy.
The first Suicide Squad Insider video from Rocksteady focuses on the story and gameplay of its 2024 Suicide Squad game. It re-establishes that the main threat in the upcoming game will be a Brainiac-controlled Justice League and pretty much the entire Metropolis population, which has been “enhanced” by alien invaders. On Dec 18, details of the game leaked, much to the chagrin of the game’s creator, warning players that potential spoilers were in the wild.
Rocksteady said in a statement posted to its official X account. “We hope everyone can play the game and feel each moment of the narrative for themselves. It is very disappointing to see details being shared ahead of the game’s release, so we can only urge you to try to avoid spoilers where you can. And please try not to impact the enjoyment of other players by posting spoilers. We look forward to seeing you all in Metropolis on 02-02-24.“
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Plot details, such as certain DC universe characters making surprise appearances and certain characters dying, have been leaked via audio and game clips (which Warner Bros. has done its best to remove from the internet using copyright claims). Other unconfirmed story details include revealing the Suicide Squad’s methods for killing certain members of the Brainiac-controlled Justice League and using the DC multiverse as a plot device.
One leaked aspect of the game’s plot involves the assassination of Batman, which should come as no surprise in a game titled Kill the Justice League, which features a menacing version of the caped crusader, as shown in previous game trailers. Some Batman fans are shocked and disappointed by how Rocksteady is handling the character, especially since it is the final appearance of the late Kevin Conroy.
Aside from story spoilers, a data miner on X claims to have discovered new Kill the Justice League game modes, including a horde mode called Raising Hell and a 4v4v4v4 PvPvE mode described as “a distant cousin of Destiny 2’s Gambit.” According to leaked information, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League will include playable characters and the core roster of Captain Boomerang, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, and King Shark. Players will reportedly be able to take on the roles of The Joker, Deathstroke, and other unannounced DC characters.

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Titular favorite Poison Ivy will return in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, according to Rocksteady as written in an IGN article, as a “precocious toddler with terrifying genetic engineering powers” who is “skilled at creating biological toxins that can aid players applying elemental afflictions to their melee weapons and grenades.”

What makes Poison Ivy so unique? It all goes back to Arkham Knight in 2015 according to IGN, where she died quite convincingly. “For fans who paid close attention to Arkham Knight, they’ll remember that when Poison Ivy died, she left behind a little sprout,” a Rocksteady developer explains in the video. “And in this game, they discover that the sproutling has been cared for by people who have their own motivations for doing so, but in the chaos of Metropolis, she’s escaped.” The video shows this new Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn’s reaction to the “changes” made to her longtime girlfriend.
The Suicide Squad is shown tracking Poison Ivy and eventually discovering her alongside a giant mutant flower in the video, then shows extended gameplay, emphasizing the group’s various traversal options. As one might expect, the new Poison Ivy has sparked considerable debate among fans, who are unsure what to make of her new appearance. Some call the design “horrifying,” while others wonder why she’s “a kid.” In any case, her new look is a significant departure for an iconic DC villain, one who, given her long-term love affair with Harley Quinn, is arguably an essential part of the Suicide Squad landscape.
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By making her into a child, Rocksteady is playing fast and loose with social morals, considering the Harley/Ivy cannon in the MAX animated series as star-crossed lesbian lovers. Whether these implications were purposeful on Rocksteady’s behalf or not, it shows that Suicide Squad will be trying as hard as it can to get the M rating.
Meanwhile, work on Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League has been delayed several times. The Epic Games Store version was recently delayed until March 2024. Rocksteady has continued to do its best to generate interest in the long-in-development project, releasing a slew of trailers and behind-the-scenes videos. It was also revealed that Suicide Squad would have an offline mode after its release.
What do you think about the information in this leak? Leave a comment!
Don’t be surprised that, if this game flops, Warner Bros will probably shut their in house video game studio down.
Yeah outside hogwarts everything else tanked despite what zaslav says I mean it would be more profitable to license out dc especially I guess just keep multiversus
Sweet Baby Inc. is involved with this game. You should see what they are all about. Think ESG and DEI (or is it DIE) points.
Not only that this game is live service, the continuity even before this didn’t match, woke garbage since ww won’t be brainwashed, game is online only at launch even to play single player, and no one wanted this. The game was gonna tank but now even worse and mk1 underperformed now they charge for fatalities. Why couldn’t we just get a Batman Beyond game? This game took 9 years to come out just to tank and the story is ass bruce is back for some reason, flash will reboot the timeline just because, and all the other crap this was a bad idea whoever greenlit this needs to be fired if it wasn’t the founders who already left