Last evening, Hugo Award-nominated editor, bestselling fantasy author, and acclaimed publisher Vox Day revealed on his blog that Amazon had suspended his ability to re-publish his fantasy book, A Throne Of Bones. The author has been critical of Amazon’s business practices over the last several years as well as deplatformed from several other major corporate platforms such as YouTube because of his outspoken right-leaning politics.
According to his blog, Vox Day received the following from Amazon upon trying to bring A Throne Of Bones back into print:
During a recent audit of your account, we found content and/or activities that are in violation of our Terms and Conditions. Therefore, we are closing your account effective immediately.
Examples include attempting to publish books that violate our Content Guidelines.
As part of the termination process:
We will close your KDP account
You’re no longer eligible to receive any outstanding royalties
You’ll no longer have access to your account. This includes, editing your titles, viewing your reports and accessing any other information within your account
All of your published titles will be removed from sale on Amazon
Additionally, as per our Terms and Conditions, you aren’t allowed to open any new KDP accounts.
You can find our Terms and Conditions here: https://kdp.amazon.com/terms-and-conditions
If you believe you have received this message in error or you have information about your account that you would like us to consider, please reply to this email.
Amazon KDP
Vox Day also said that Amazon had been repeatedly asking him to provide a letter from the “prior publisher” of the book that they have released their copyright, which is nonsensical as Vox Day has always been the prior publisher of his novel series. He further pointed out that other books in the series Summa Elvetica and A Sea Of Skulls both were re-published without Amazon causing any problems in this regard.
Whether there is political foul play involved by the monopolistic corporation or not, Amazon has caused problems for not only Vox Day, but other authors recently.

Blaine Pardoe and Nick Cole were both victims of Amazon messing with their preorder systems and torpedoing recent book launches. Both are notable conservative authors in the science fiction and fantasy sphere, leading some to believe that right-leaning authors are being targeted by Amazon for deplatforming of their fiction.
Vox Day has been very critical of Amazon lately, most notably in regards to its Kindle Select program, in which Amazon uses its monopolistic weight in order to push authors into putting their books into the Kindle Unlimited program, in which authors get 1/5 or less of the royalties for the same product as if it were purchased by an end user.

Vox Day insists that his publishing house, Castalia, will endure through the troubles with Amazon as he’s been increasingly moving his books to his own Arkhaven bookstore platform. In speaking with Fandom Pulse, Vox Day has told us that the Castalia published books have been earning greater royalties than he’s seen in years, as Amazon has continued to become more difficult to operate upon as a bookseller.
Will this lead to further Amazon deplatforming of Vox Day books as the company makes their site less functional than it had been in the past? Only time will tell, but for now, to get Vox Day’s highly-reviewed fantasy book A Throne Of Bones, a reader needs to go direct to Arkhaven.
What do you think of Amazon deplatforming Vox Day’s A Throne Of Bones? Leave a comment and let us know.
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Amazon has always been a corrupt corporation.
Today it’s Vox and Amazon, tomorrow it will be the anti-woke Youtubers. But Globalism is doomed. God wins.