DC Studios is reportedly venturing into the expansive realm of animation with an exciting new project led by James Gunn, Co-CEO of DC Studios. This upcoming animated feature, based on the existing Jurassic League comic book series, presents a unique twist where dinosaurs assume the roles of superheroes and villains in a prehistoric version of Earth. James Gunn, alongside scriptwriter Brian Lynch (Minions), aims to infuse the animated adaptation with a fresh take on the DC universe, drawing inspiration from the storytelling seen in Sony’s Spider-Verse.
The Jurassic League concept isn’t entirely new to avid comic book enthusiasts. Originating from the 2022 DC comic miniseries created by Daniel Warren Johnson and Juan Gedeon, the storyline re-imagines iconic characters like Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman as anthropomorphic dinosaurs. In this iteration, the Trinity and other super-powered dinosaurs join forces to thwart threats, including the formidable Darkseid. The success of the comic series led to its integration into the expansive DC Multiverse as Earth-27.
In a recent interview with ComicBook.com, James Gunn shared insights into his vision for the vast DC universe, emphasizing the fantastical nature inherent in its larger-than-life superheroes. Drawing parallels to the intricate world-building seen in Westeros, Gunn highlighted the opportunity to craft immersive narratives within the rich tapestry of the DC universe, incorporating iconic locales such as Gotham City and Metropolis.
Jurassic League stands out as a unique addition to DC’s illustrious lineup, offering a captivating premise by re imagining beloved characters as prehistoric superheroes. The animated adaptation, building upon the success of the original comic series, promises to deliver an engaging experience for both long-time fans and newcomers. Set against the backdrop of a prehistoric Earth, the series follows the enthralling adventures of the dinosaur Trinity and their super-powered allies as they confront formidable adversaries like Darkseid.
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Juan Gedeon, the visionary illustrator behind the original comic series, expressed enthusiasm for seeing his creations come to life on the animated screen. Describing Jurassic League as a captivating fusion of dinosaurs and epic battles reminiscent of 90s cartoons or video games, Gedeon’s artistic vision contributed significantly to the success of the comic series. Meanwhile, Daniel Warren Johnson teased thrilling encounters within the animated adaptation, promising audiences an exhilarating journey filled with themes of survival, unity, and hope amidst the perilous landscapes of prehistoric Earth.
As DC Studios continues to expand its cinematic and television offerings, the inclusion of Jurassic League underscores its commitment to innovation and creativity within the superhero genre. This animated adaptation, inspired by the comic book series, is poised to offer a fresh and enthralling experience for fans of DC Comics and dinosaurs alike. As anticipation builds for this groundbreaking project, audiences eagerly await the opportunity to witness the adventures of the Jurassic League unfold on the animated screen, bringing the beloved comic book series to a broader audience.
JimBobBubbaRay says
So Superman is now a blue penis, and Batman looks like someone melted the face of a 1980’s Man-At-Arms He-Man figure, and stretched it out to resemble a creature’s snout.