Every month is some kind of identity politics-driven month in the comic industry these days. We just finished Black History Month, and we’re now onto International Women’s Day Month, or at least, that’s how they’re going to market new books like The Women Of Marvel. It’s unveiling more of the same as Marvel Comics and the M-She-U are pushing the feminist agenda into the upcoming relaunch of X-Men. One wonders why they haven’t changed the name to X-Them or Ex-Men to be diverse and inclusive yet?
The X-Men relaunch was first unveiled by X-Men editor Tom Brevoort in December 2023, with an image that said, “From The Ashes” and teased “July 2024”. Fans flocked to reply in the comments, with one concerned about identity politics being the focus of the relaunch as it has seemed to have been during the Krakoa era and the preceding several years in which the X-Men have been pushed into LGBTQ politics repeatedly. Tom Brevoort callously replied to the concerned fan, “It’s X-Men. The message is the premise.”
It’s also been rumored that feminist comic industry icon Gail Simone has been contracted to write one of the X-Titles during this line-wide reboot, as every book in the line has been canceled by Marvel Comics with the marketing gimmick of new #1 issues to be coming in July.

Fans and retailers are not excited by the relaunch, with most believing this is going to be more of Marvel Comics using talentless feminist hacks to push their identity agendas through the books, as has been done by creators like Vita Ayala over the last several years. X-Men has become the hotbed of wokeness where the SJWs rally around the property, falsely proclaiming the book was always intended to be that way when both Chris Claremont and Stan Lee have said in the past that it wasn’t the case.
Now, through a solicit for Women of Marvel #1, another feminist anthology issue that probably won’t sell well, it’s been revealed that men really aren’t a part of the X-Men relaunch, as Madame Web unveils a vision where Rogue and Kitty Pryde are the leaders of the new teams.

This foreshadowing is par for the course for Marvel Comics in recent years with their failed Marvel Now! initiative already replacing beloved characters with feminized versions. We saw Tony Stark replaced with Riri Williams for Iron Man and Thor replaced with Jane Foster, among others, to make for a more feminized Marvel Comics.
Tom Brevoort, already alluding to “the message,” seems to be hinting through Women Of Marvel #1 that the X-Men is going to become pure feminist propaganda. As they’ve already retconned Kitty Pryde to be bisexual, we can expect heavy-handed LGBTQ content coming from the line as well.

The problem, as always, is Marvel Comics readers don’t want this feminist material. The books might get a sales boost from the #1 gimmick, but that drops off quickly once readers see the content as bad or worse than the current X-Men run has already been. Kitty Pryde and Rogue may already be members of the team, but overlooking the real leader characters like Cyclops and Wolverine is a mistake to base the future upon.
On top of it, it’s confirmed Cyclops and Wolverine won’t be appearing in Ultimate X-Men by Peach Momoko, who has said the book will be another identity-laden self-insert comic to botch yet another relaunch of the X-Line. Readers can’t help but wonder how much more X-Men and Marvel Comics can push before they’re dead altogether.
What do you think of the new relaunch with Rogue and Kitty Pryde as leaders? Leave a comment and let us know.
NEXT: Marvel Reveals A Gender-Bending Masculine Redesign For Storm For The Disney+ X-Men ’97 Cartoon
Stuff like this is why I long ago stopped buying floppies.
If it was 1992 I wouldn’t think twice about a run of comics with Rogue or Kitty Pryde leading a team. But today it just reeks of girlpower feminism that has nothing to do with actual character development or serious storytelling.
“It has happened before, but these days I won’t allow the wammens to lead teams like they did literally 20 years ago!”
You people are challengted, just like the writer of this terrible “article.”