In Part I, we talked about Sweet Baby Inc.’s CEO, Kim Belair, and how a lethal combination of narcissism, flamboyant self-righteousness, and acute psychopathy fuels her goals of subjugating the video gaming industry. Some say she is ‘the black Anita Sarkeesian.’ We respectfully disagree with that statement as, in this publication’s opinion, Anita Sarkeesian just rode a grift to its logical conclusion and has mostly disappeared. In Kim Belair’s case, she believes her own words, as evidenced by her self-inserting herself into any of the stories she writes. So, in many ways, she is worse. But enough about Sweet Baby Inc.’s CEO because in Part II, we talk about two people and one company: Grant K. Roberts, Amy-Leigh Shaw, and Rocksteady Games.

Rocksteady Games wasn’t always this cringeworthy when it came to its releases. The Arkham series redefined the action genre in gaming as since 2009, many games have copied and pasted Batman: Arkham Asylum‘s battle mechanics. Because of this, Rocksteady enjoyed a six-year run spanning four games that culminated in Batman: Arkham Knight. However, something happened at Rocksteady Games following Arkham Knight, and in 2020, the far-left British publication, the Guardian, posted a hit piece on Rocksteady stating:
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“The letter, dated November 2018 and signed by 10 of the company’s 16 female staff at the time, raised complaints about behaviour including “slurs regarding the transgendered community” and “discussing a woman in a derogatory or sexual manner with other colleagues”, and sexual harassment “in the form of unwanted advances, leering at parts of a woman’s body, and inappropriate comments in the office”.
Since then it is claimed that the response has amounted to one training seminar, and that multiple signatories have left the company owing to the lack of action.
One of the letter’s signatories, who asked to remain anonymous, said she had decided to share the letter with the Guardian because she felt people were still suffering from sexism, harassment and inappropriate behaviour at Rocksteady.
“I have heard everything from groping claims to incidents involving [senior staff], all of whom are men,” she said. “Yet the only thing we had as a result was a company-wide seminar that lasted an hour. Everyone who attended was asked to sign a statement confirming that they’d received the training. It felt that it was a just way for them to cover their arses.”
She said the letter was kept private in part due to the company’s devotion to secrecy, which is not unusual in the video game sector, and in part because staff members feared that if they left on bad terms they would be denied credit on the company’s upcoming game, an adaptation of DC Comics’ Suicide Squad.”

After we saw Rocksteady’s Gotham Knights, released in 2022, in which two employees from Sweet Baby Inc. contributed to the writing, in hindsight, we saw a pattern, the same pattern we saw in Rockstar Games in the last few years: studio makes a fantastic game, in this case, Red Dead Redemption II, so-called game journalists whip up a scandal, those same dirt merchants approach the development studio and says ‘If you don’t want us trashing your studio any further, you will hire consultants to make your games more ‘diverse and inclusive.’ Don’t worry about making a profit; our benefactors will care for you!’. The development studio then makes a deal with the devil, and then here comes the woke brigade from Sweet Baby Inc. to turn your game’s plot into Marxist agitprop. It’s similar to what Kim Belair described in her GDC speech in 2019.

This is where two current Sweet Baby Inc. employees, Grant K. Roberts and Amy-Leigh Shaw, come into our story. Grant K. Roberts and Amy-Leigh Shaw were former Rocksteady employees; as you will see, they were early adopters of the woke mind virus. Grant K. Roberts was a senior writer at Bungie in 2015 and began working for Rocksteady in 2019.
As you read on, you’ll notice a theme between Sweet Baby Inc. and Rocksteady. As Grant K Roberts suggests in the following tweet, Rocksteady is currently functionally absorbed by Sweet Baby Inc.

This also explains why half of the writing team for Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League were from Sweet Baby Inc., while a few writers from Rocksteady joined them later. It’s funny that all they got for their trouble of checking diversity boxes is a player count that barely cracks 500 on a good day!

A further look at Grant K. Roberts’ tweets around that time already shows a LOT of red flags.

Keep in mind that Grant K. Roberts is your garden-variety white leftist pushing for more “representation” in gaming. The problem when it comes to so-called representation is that he wants his own Marxist beliefs represented.
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It is the last two tweets that another pattern is discovered; some of these woke developers like Grant K. Roberts always gush about ‘oh, I’m so lucky that I have good friends at work’ instead of being proud of the work they did and being thankful of their fans, or in this case lack thereof because their games don’t sell. This is a sign that they don’t have much of a social life outside of their job, and anyone they interact with outside of their job finds them either repulsive or uninteresting.
Another trait that Grant K. Roberts shows is the same trait Kim Belair has: flamboyant narcissism. Here’s another tweet of Grant K. Roberts once again ‘huffing his own farts.’

RELATED: The Sweet Baby Inc Files, Part I: Kim Belair, CEO
It is here we start talking about Amy-Leigh Shaw because, from the available information, Amy-Leigh Shaw has the same narcissism issue that both Kim Belair and Grant K. Roberts have. Before we look at her multi-tweet thread, consider that she doesn’t have many visible writing credits before Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League. So, with that established, let us observe this “expert writer” explain how writing should be done:

“Okay, British TV Writer Twitter. After today, I think it’s time for us to talk about The Onscreen Northerner. It’s having a real world political impact that we need to try and understand. British TV portrays northern characters in a very specific way, especially right now. They’re often used to serve a few very particular purposes in many of the scripts I’ve read/shows I’ve seen over the last few years.
There are so few portrayals of young northerners, especially young women, and even fewer of northerners who aren’t white. Increasingly, I’m noticing writers using heavily affected dialogue to identify northern characters in-script. The other commonality with a lot of these northern characters is the expression of racist/sexist sentiment as part of their personality – often without real consequences. This writing generally uses ‘northern-ness’ in one of two ways.
The first kind exists to prove the virtue of the protagonist, giving them an opportunity to righteously cringe/educate. The funny dimwit. Or worse, they exist to say ‘wise’ things that others would not get away with, because they’re cheeky, lovable, well meaning but thick. The second kind, the other side of the coin, espouses their offensive views flippantly and unapologetically. Presented as no-frills, straight talking and working class. We’re encouraged to admire them for their forthright attitude. Some small doses of these stereotypes are useful for characterisation. Jason Isaacs’ depiction of starkly honest Zhukov with a Yorkshire accent in The Death of Stalin creates an immediate and visceral understanding of his character. It’s brilliant.
The problems arise when we saturate media with various angles of one small, negative snapshot of a demographic. That figure becomes the accepted spokesperson of a community, whether or not they were initially all that representative.”
However, within this thread, one tweet sticks out.
“If you’d only learned about the north from vox pops in December, you might’ve wondered what happened to wipe out all the women under 40 and make all the remaining men so angry. But I don’t think the impact ends there.”
This explains a philosophy that Sweet Baby Inc. has that was demonstrated in another flop of theirs, Forspoken. It could have been a better game if it wasn’t a jarring separation of two separate worlds. Like if the “real” world had magical elements more integrated into it, then maybe people would’ve cared about the protagonist whatsoever. It demonstrates that these so-called writers have no concept or definition of ‘reality vs. fantasy.’ This is probably why most of the employees at Sweet Baby Inc. are not mentally well.
The thread continues, but it’s a pattern with woke squatters in the gaming industry, especially with the following tweets.

As you can see, the woke squatters like Amy-Leigh Shaw are obsessed with validation and virtue. Cry about problems that they have no idea about and brag about menial career accomplishments. Where both Grant K. Roberts and Amy-Leigh Shaw converge is when the former congratulated the latter on leaving Rocksteady to join Sweet Baby Inc., only for the former to make the move to Sweet Baby Inc. nearly a year later in a way as described earlier.

What we establish here is that there is a weird pipeline going on from Rocksteady, especially after the 2020 hit-piece from the Guardian, to Sweet Baby Inc. in which we believe there is some recruitment going on from these developers like Rocksteady to take their ideological enforcement to other companies as if they are political commissars from the days of the Soviet Union. Of course, as we described earlier, Sweet Baby Inc. gets hired onto projects by Mafia-style extortion.
If the Federal Government were run by far better people, there would have been a RICO investigation on Sweet Baby Inc., but as we’ll see in future articles, there’s speculation, whether directly or indirectly, that they are partners in crime with certain financial organizations that have strong ties to the current administration.
What do you think about the connection between Sweet Baby Inc. and Rocksteady in video games? Leave a comment and let us know.
Thank you to Nick Monroe for assisting in compiling the information in this article.
Whats with the palestine tweet and the author being a white british woman ? Are you really so smart to think its a white vs the world problem ?
It brings nothing to the subject except showing you re an ignorant good boy who listens to his state’s propaganda.
Because contrary to every foolish leftoid putting their two cents into this conflict, it really doesn’t matter to them.
If someone was from the Levant (i.e. Syria or Lebanon) or Muslim and, I get it. If someone was from Israel or had relatives in Israel, I get it.
Amy-Leigh Shaw is neither. Meaning aside from the fact her government is probably going send money over there, it’s not her problem.
So please don’t drag your BS here about a millennia-old conflict that outside far-left psychopaths, governments who wishes to wash their money, and people who actually have loved ones dying on both sides, no one cares about!
Aaron I have to second the notion that highlighting the Palestine tweet does seem off topic and unnecessary in regards to your general argument. Also your wording in reply to M here belies a lot of political bias on your part (“foolish leftoids”, “far-left psychopaths”, and whatnot). I personally loathe what SDGs, ESG, and DEI have wrought upon media and culture. They use the tools of authoritarianism and propaganda in an ill-conceived attempt at cultural engineering that a misguided generation of true-believers (and many opportunists) have bought into with every fiber of their being. It should be resisted by anyone who cares about fairness and merit.
However this is not a left vs right thing as I can assure you many on the left view this stuff as the ridiculous, revisionist, reductive, anti-progressive, pandering, (mostly unintentionally} racist and sexist tripe that it is. I myself am strongly liberal, very much a “leftoid”, a blue-state POC and member of the alphabet tribe and as mentioned, I loathe the cancer DEI has become on media and culture. Reducing this does to a binary left vs right issue ignores oversimplifies the matter and the enter left with too broad a brush. It’s like blasting the entire right wing for being book-burning Christian fundamentalist extremists and KKK-aligned racists when those facets are far from the whole or anywhere near a majority of right wing ideology.
So, my rambling aside I’d come to this site hoping to find a more balanced or even neutral and fact-based take. However the writing here seems to be just a mirror of the bias at work at sites like Kotaku just replacing their insultingly-calculated tact with outright vitriol. I do hope though that in future articles you can tailors things based on the knowledge that your readership isn’t just a right wing echo choir but includes those in the center, left and even far left that might agree with your general premise and would rather not be scapegoated in the source of all evil the way the shills defending SBI are doing with gamers.
Less Talky, more Truth telling.
Once again, you’re projection is Noticeable. The KKK was founded by a confederate by the way.
Well Mr. McLeftFace…
I’m not reading all that.
Now please quit derailing. This article isn’t about a 1000-year long conflict in the Levant.
Wish we could edit our comments, posting from a phone on a train so many a typo needs correction:
“Reducing this DOWN to a binary left vs right issue oversimplifies the matter and PAINTS the entire left with too-broad a brush”
“…in future articles you can TAILOR things”
“…would rather not be scapegoated AS the source of all evil”
Man those typos are going to bother me for the rest of the day, really should have proof-read.
Yeah? We’re sick of Wokeness and you’re all in on it.
If you’re here to tone-police, then you’ve come to the wrong neighborhood.