Disney+ Marvel shows always have something that makes them completely unwatchable, usually due to bad storylines written by people who don’t pay any attention to the comics. When Disney picked up the Netflix Daredevil, show to make Daredevil: Born Again, fans were already tepid about the announcement. Now it seems Disney wants to inject the MCU with a fresh round of identity politics pushing the trans agenda.
It’s already been noted by pop culture expert RazörFist what we can expect from the show. Upon the announcement, RazörFist posted on Daredevil: Born Again, “If Echo is their best effort at mimicking the style and themes of Netflix’s Daredevil… just cancel Born Again and spare us all the agony. I don’t care if Foggy or Karen are in the show. I’m full up on Member Berry pudding. The original writers/producers are gone. Let it die.”
RELATED: Pop Culture Analyst RazörFist Scorns Marvel Studios’ Reboot Of Daredevil: Born Again
He proved correct quickly, as Disney unveiled the villain Bullseye’s costume from the show, which looked to be some cheap imitation knockoff of Marvel, and fans roundly criticized across the internet. With bad costume designs and recent writers’ room for Disney+ Marvel shows being atrocious, fans came to expect more of the same.

Except with the woke, they always double down.
Now as revealed by the X account @CosmicMarvel, Daredevil: Born Again is looking to cast four transgender actors in prominent roles to virtue signal the latest left-wing cause.
RELATED: Marvel’s Uninspired Bullseye Costume In Daredevil: Born Again Leaked Online And The Fans Are Furious
T.V. shows have been pushing transgender actors, trying to pass them off as the opposite sex of reality for a while now. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds featured a man pretending to be a woman in one of its season 2 episodes, and most notably, One Piece featured a main character who is a woman pretending to be a man.
These depictions are harmful to the human psyche as this propaganda permeates Disney Marvel with Daredevil: Born Again.
Archbishop Alexander Sample of the Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon noted in his A Catholic Response to Gender Identity that “‘gender identity theory’ [is] a framework that is increasingly dominant in Western culture.”

Archbishop Sample goes on to explain that this “theory,” “affirms the subjective sense of gender over the objective fact of biological sex and recommends the process of ‘transitioning’ to identify as one’s chosen, rather than given, sex.”
Archbishop Sample even speaks out against the mutilation of children for transgender ideology. He explains, “It is well documented that transgender people have higher risks of suicide, and thus it is supposed that these procedures are ultimately life-saving. However, these claims are not well supported by scientific evidence, particularly when it comes to treating gender dysphoric young people. … One of the few robust, long-term studies available found that individuals have undergone medical transition have a rate of suicidality that is 19 times higher than the general population. … The evidence indicates that medical transition, at best, does not solve the problem of elevated suicidality and, at worst, exacerbates it.”

With Daredevil: Born Again looking to push this evil ideology to four different characters in the show, it looks like Disney+ is going to have another nightmare on its hand for Marvel and the MCU.
What do you think of the trans ideology in Daredevil: Born Again from Disney Marvel? Leave a comment and let us know.
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