As the pressure has increased on many of these DEI consulting companies in the gaming industry, Black Girl Gamers has now replaced Sweet Baby Inc. as public enemy number one. After Black Girl Gamers announced on Twitter that they were seeking “legal counsel” against That Park Place for speaking out about their allegedly discriminatory DEI hiring practices, YouTuber and culture war commentator Gothix stepped forward to share her own past experiences as a member of Black Girl Gamers.
RELATED: GamerGate 2.0 Heats Up: Black Girl Gamers Threatens To Sue That Park Place
“As a former Black Girl Gamers member, I can confidently say these people are full of crap,” Gothix began. “They do NOT care about diversity. They promptly kicked me out for being ‘anti-black’ AKA, not making an idol out of my skin color and refusing to hate white people.” This is a very ironic statement, because as we all know, DEI is supposed to stand for “diversity, equity and inclusion.”
“I was harassed for MONTHS after the fact, and received an onslaught of vitriol from many of their BLACK members,” Gothix tweeted. “You know how Black Girl Gamers responded? They blocked me and literally scrubbed my existence off of their platforms.”
Gothix went on, “By the way, most of the vitriol I received from many of their members made it into the final cut of the Gothix Documentary (https://gothixfilm.com) SO.. If they wanna talk about receipts, boo-boo I have them.”
RELATED: “Forspoken” Consultant Black Girl Gamers Lashes Out On Twitter In Defense Of Sweet Baby Inc
Despite her obvious disdain for this DEI-obsessed company, Gothix ended her thoughts as graciously as anyone could be expected to. “Let me be clear, I have no ill will towards these people (Black Girl Gamers), and I’m always praying that Jay-Ann and her crew will eventually have their wakeup moment just like I did. Maybe this is it,” Gothix concluded.
When asked about her reason for joining Black Girl Gamers in the first place, Gothix replied, “To be fair, when I started streaming on Twitch, I briefly fell for the lie that ‘it will be harder to be successful as a black woman’ so I was invited to join Black Girl Gamers and The Cookout (IDK if the latter still exists) But after a few months I started to realize something was NOT RIGHT.” This is the goal of the DEI agenda, to convince people from minority backgrounds that they’ve been victimized by the system (white supremacy) and that in order for there to be equality, the “oppressor” must be oppressed.
RELATED: Xbox Doubles Down On DEI Agenda Following Sweet Baby Inc Backlash
Since speaking out about DEI and Black Girl Gamers, Gothix has now been targeted by many of these woke activists on Twitter. “It was only a matter of time before the keyboard warriors returned with their ‘tolerant and inclusive’ pitchforks,” Gothix tweeted out. “Your fake, hypocritical outrage doesn’t scare me. But while you’re here: repent and believe in the Gospel.”
Kahlief Adams, who is the founder of the “Spawn On Me Podcast” and who also seems to spend a great deal of time defending DEI initiatives, chose to refer to Gothix as “Gaming’s Candace Owens,” a not-so-clever attempt at taking a shot at both her ethnicity, as well as her political beliefs. If there is one thing that the controversy over discriminatory DEI practices has shown us is how vehemently the woke mob will defend this weaponized racism.
There has been no official response from Black Girl Gamers regarding the statements that Gothix shared on Twitter. There has also been no update regarding their half-hearted legal threats towards anyone covering their allegedly racist DEI hiring practices. At Fandom Pulse, we will not stop covering this story, nor will we be afraid to continue speaking the truth.
What do you think about Gothix and her statements about Black Girl Gamers? Let us know down below!
NEXT: BBC’s Jules Hardy Calls For Purge against Gamers Opposing Sweet Baby Inc.’s Forced DEI
Black Girl Gamers are just as corrupt, if not Worse than Crybaby Inc. I’m glad to see Gothix take a stand.
Also DEI is code word for Anti-Whitism.
There is no such thing as fighting racism with racism. I’m glad Gothix is taking stand and glad this freak organization is being exposed.