Ever since Warhammer 40K went woke with the female custodes, wargamers have been searching for a place to find a haven for their gaming that wouldn’t be overrun by politics like Games Workshop. They thought they found such a place with Trench Crusade, a new fantasy wargame coming to Kickstarter in 2024. However, the company has now made it clear that traditional catholic gamers and anti-woke players are not welcome.
The company’s website describes the game as “Trench Crusade is a skirmish-scale tabletop miniatures game that will plunge players deep into a horrifying alternate timeline. During the Crusades, a heretical band of Templars dared defy the Almighty and, casting aside their sacred vows, unleashed the forces of Hell upon the Earth. Over 800 years later, in the Year of Our Lord 1914, this brutal, merciless war between the forces of Heaven and Hell rages on. This is not just a fight for survival, but a cataclysmic struggle that will decide the very fate of humanity’s soul.”

This sounds like the perfect place for Christians and anti-woke gamers to land, especially if they love Warhammer 40K, having themes of fantasy, devotion to Crusade, heretics, and fighting against evil forces.
The controversy started because a wargaming magazine, 28mag, had its Discord linked on the company website. Games Workshop and Warhammer 40k refugees came to this Discord seeking a safe place to play without obnoxious identity politics getting in the way. However, the Discord moderators started banning them.
Trench Crusade’s official X account posted defending this action, “The 28 crew are our friends, and if they decided to ban someone, we trust them implicitly and respect their decision.”

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This created an uproar among players, who see this game now attacking gamers even before the game came out.
A Reddit post screenshot surfaced, which appears to be from someone affiliated with Trench Crusade, then said, “Trench Crusade is not your Trad Cath political haven.”
Why they explicitly attacked Catholics and told players they’re not welcome based on their religion seems to be their want to push into identity politics. The post continues saying,
“It looks like we’ve had an influx of folks who thinks Trench Crusade is anti-woke and promotes tradcaths values. Here’s some facts for you:
- 28mag is punk and queer and always will be. Go read any of their magazine’s editions, especially in the women’s edition which includes (INCREDIBLE), trans artists.
- The writers and artists of Trench Crusade are not outwardly right wing. They range from moderate to progressive.
- The lore does not pitch the forces of God outwardly doing “the right thing.” Look at the metachrists. The lore screams as a critique. It’s grimdark. Just like how 40k isn’t an approval of authoritarianism.
You won’t find support from any aspect of this game if you’re scared of the “gay agenda.” Go somewhere else.”

The post appears to have been deleted from the subreddit.
With the signal to the left that this game is fully on board with them and telling fans to “go somewhere else,” it created even more of an uproar on the internet, with hundreds of X threads lambasting the game developers.
Since then, the company seems to have known they’ve done wrong, as the 28mag discord then got completely nuked.
Fandom Pulse contacted Trench Crusade to see if they had a comment on the situation, but they have not replied as of this writing.
What do you think of Trench Crusade? Did they just lose a potential Warhammer 40K fleeing player base? Leave a comment and let us know.
Trench Crusade is another tabletop game run by Communist Pigs. It’s clear, they don’t want to reply to you. Because they support identity politics.
Punk and Queer is an oxymoron at this point and it’s funny that the company destroyed their own product before the game even released.
Building your own platform proven necessary, example number…
MJ Young has a setting in Multiverser he hasn’t wrote up yet. Triverse. A world divided between three empires with each area having high level of one type of bias (psionic, magic, technological). The Multiverser game system is very detailed and highly flexible. He’s a devout Christian, SF/F writer, game designer, game theorist, and an expert on time travel to the point where his award winning website was used in a college class in philosophy.
Maybe talk to John C. Wright. His “Awake in the Night Land” is not grimdark, but it is dark and epically weird. It starts out by telling you how many millions of years are left in the life of the Earth according to seers, and has this Last Redoubt of Humanity on Earth with an interesting culture. Tons of atmosphere. Its also written by a devout Trad Catholic. Only problem is that its not so much a war game setting.
Nowhither, by the same author, has a lot of odd settings, and very odd sorta humans from different timelines. Among other treats, it has a timeline where the Tower of Babel was never cast down so it is now a black iron like tower to geosynchronous orbit filled with huge rooms called immensities and many demi-human type humans from other timelines. Nowhither, which includes something like 43 timelines could, I think be bent to a war game setting more easily than the Last Redoubt.
Vox Day has his Selenoth setting. If you want to get a look at what happens when Roman legions fight against a goblin horde, check out his Arkhaven comics. He’s also a game designer but more computer than MJ Young’s tabletop rpg.
I wish I had some mega sprawl idea I could toss out there for use, but the only thing I have is Starsong Systems, which is big enough, but its both too sunny, and too much on a knife edge of total destruction (say hi to the supernova from the starcracker missiles) for it to be a site of effective, long term, bloody war.
“The lore does not pitch the forces of God outwardly doing “the right thing.””
My guy, if the other side is literally demons from hell, the right thing is anyone not a Demon.
Read the lore primer on their website. The “forces of God” as you put it are worshiping clones of Jesus, carving themselves apart, taking suicide pills, acting as suicide bombers, and so much more.
And the third faction is muslims, which are portrayed even more positively than the other two.
Well, I’m not a fan of Muslims, but if the Muzzies want to kill hell demons, I say, good on them.
They aren’t, they serve one. Only in shitlib propaganda are they the good guys. Quit guzzling it down.
Trench Crusade is a disgustingly anti-christian setting, what are you talking about? Did you put no effort into reading the lore primer on their website? The creators despise Christianity and it would have been apparent if you had actually looked into it.
The trench crusade thing is openly blasphemous and has been since it was an art project. The creator clearly despises actual, faithful Christians while shoplifting liturgical aesthetics. Thank God, and I say that with all sincerity, this project is burning.
Seriously, how do you people keep getting blindsided by this over and over again? There’s more than just aesthetics. It’s no different than alleged “right wingers” talking about how a multiracial hellscape like Russia is “based” because a guy with a beard and a big hat prayed over some AK-74s.
Make some “oink-oink” sounds, hohlina)))))
He’s not Ukranian. He is……. Polish.
In the last 2 years I’ve watched 40K gamers jump to classic Battletech only to find out Catalyst Games sucks just as bad now. It’s a tough time to be a tabletop gamer, but you can still play both without shilling out for the shills. Download the older rules, buy your miniatures at Etsy or Shape ways, and enjoy not giving your hard earned money to people that hate you.