Purporting to be a biographical drama, Persian Ali Abbasi’s The Apprentice, is a smear-piece film on Trump currently showing at Cannes. One would have that Hollywood producers would get much more mileage and entertainment from the leaked saucy pics on Hunter Biden’s laptop and from “10% for the big guy” Joe Biden. But then Hollywood isn’t about entertainment, it is all about propaganda, and when it is time to have your candidate re-elected you bring out the hit-piece fake biographies on his opponent.

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Ali Abbasi’s The Apprentice is an all too obvious propaganda piece meant to damage Trump’s election campaign. The supposed biographical drama has nothing to do with the TV series The Apprentice. Marketed as a biographical drama it includes among others a defamatory made up scene where Trump is raping his first wife Ivana. Trumps spokesman Stephen Cheung said Ali Abbasi’s The Apprentice is garbage, pure fiction and amounts to election interference by Hollywood elites. During their real-life divorce proceedings, Ivana accused Mr. Trump of rape but later retracted the allegation. Donald Trump lawyers have sent a cease-and-desist letter to the producers of The Apprentice to block its US sale and release. Trumps spokesman Stephen Cheung was quoted as saying, “This garbage is pure fiction which sensationalises lies that have been long debunked,” and added “This ‘film’ is pure malicious defamation, should not see the light of day, and doesn’t even deserve a place in the straight-to-DVD section of a bargain bin at a soon-to-be-closed discount movie store. It belongs in a dumpster fire.”

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It also appears that investors were mislead about the nature of the film. Dan Snyder, a billionaire backer of the film and a Trump supporter, is apparently also going to send a cease-and-desist letter to block US distribution. He says that he invested in Ali Abbasi’s The Apprentice believing that it would paint a positive portrait of Trump, and was furious after viewing a rough cut of the film.
Ali Abbasi, the producer of the smear piece and fake biographical drama The Apprentice, however appears to be confident that the US courts are sufficiently compromised and doesn’t appear to be too concerned about Trump suing him. Ali Abbasi is quoted as saying, “Donald’s team should watch the movie before they start suing us,” he said. “Everyone’s always talking about him suing a lot of people. They don’t talk about his success rate, though.”

Let us know in the comments what you think about Ali Abbasi’s latest smear-piece The Apprentice. Does it amount to election interference?
Hollywood is run by Communists.
Ali Abbasi is definitely trying to rig the 2024 elections.
It doesn’t matter if it’s false, defamation, or even election interference.
What it is, is a ‘check mark’ in the propaganda box, so when they fake the election like 2020, there won’t be an obvious, glaring logical hole like there was in 2020, namely Trump getting half-million plus turnouts for his rally compared to Biden rallys getting two dozen people half of which were paid to be there.
This time, when they fake it, they will point at things like ‘Trump’s arrests’, movies like this, and a horde of hit pieces to ‘prove’ that the public was actually secretly against Trump. So when they stuff the ballot boxes, bus voters, throw away any votes that might originate from less-than-corrupted sources, and alter their software to commit fraud, they can point at these incidents as ‘proof’.
Too many people questioned the blunt evidence that 2020 was utterly fabricated, and it gave us too much evidence of their perfidery. This is their idea of putting up a safety net for when they fake it again, which they will.
Like it or not, Biden or the negress wh*re are going to be lauded as the next president, and short of Washington DC growing a well-deserved forest of impaling spears and gibbets, there is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it.
Biden isn’t getting re-elected. We’re keeping an eye on those Marxist Democrats. You already sound like you’re giving up.
Giving up? On what?
I’ve simply recognized that there’s no uprooting the rats through passive means. Rules-based order works great, as long as both sides obey the rules, but elites have never bothered following the rules, and expecting them to follow them despite thousands of years of history… is insane.
It’s not just insane, it’s stupid, insane, and unbelievably lazy to just start magically expecting the termites to behave unless you burn them out occasionally.
This is not a black pill, not even slightly. America is a wonderful country, one of the greatest countries on earth. But it has major problems that you can’t just vote or wish away, and one of the biggest problems is thinking that ‘legal makes right’ or that democracy is anything more than a thin, artificial veil that hides a mountain of tyranny. And if you think the tyrants are going to make the same mistake they made in 2016, letting an outsider get too much traction, well, they proved in 2020 that their slaves are back under their control.
Believe me, everyone is already keeping an eye on the tyrants. You don’t think Trump’s loyalists are going to do the same to them?
Look, I plan on voting for Trump, even knowing full well that he’s going to be ripped off. I was not happy with a lot of his decisions (supporting the not-vaxx, supporting the zionists, a flatly childish faith in the swamp that he swore to excise, and of course, his unwillingness to pardon the ‘capitol crew’), but I consider all politicians to be the most corrupt monsters on earth, and the fact that they hate him satisfies my ‘rebel’ need.
But the tyrants don’t CARE if the ‘loyalists’ are watching them. They are not afraid of the ‘truthers’ telling the public, because they can easily manipulate the ‘law-abiding conservatives’ into believing whatever they want them to, simply because they control communication. A lot of Trump voters STILL watch FOX.
That is exactly why Abbassi’s fraud is so important. Because they can trot out whatever made-up ‘popularity’ they want and convince all the useful idiots that their fellow conservatives villainized Trump, and then the idiots can pat themselves on the back for ‘obeying the law’ that the swamp laughed at.
Truthers will ALWAYS be a minority. Alec Jones went on crazy rants occasionally, but he was an outright Cassandra on many occasions, accurately predicting the WTC disaster (down to the month) and dozens more. Assange is still being tortured for telling the truth, and many, many more… and no one cares but a few of us.
Heck, ‘pro-gun maga’ types are often the worst because the vast majority of them will happily buy into whatever the zionists and Warhawks suggest without questioning it, and now people like Little Benny Shapiro are pushing for ‘anti-semitism’ laws that directly violate the constitution they claim to revere, and yet he’s still their boy.
I learned a long time ago, that if you decorate it right, even ‘trump loyalists’ will happily eat a horsepucky cake, and all of the propaganda is the perfect frosting to convince even non-liberals and faithful Christians that they are munching tasty cake.
Please don’t mistake healthy cynicism based on 30 years of adult experience trying to raise a healthy, decent family in an incredibly corrupted Empire, 15 of those years in the military visiting foreign countries (and discovering why racism, sexism, and antisemitism are remarkably good policies) with ‘giving up’.
Then why are the tyrants in full blown panic mode?