Hi everyone! It’s been a while since I did a blog update. My new sci-fi graphic novel, The Hidden Emperor, launched on Kickstarter last night to our biggest success yet. Over 100 backers in just 12 hours, which is amazing. Thank you so much from Miz Krimzon and me for your tremendous support.
For those who haven’t come over yet, we launched our Ayla Rin: Agent of the Terran Imperium series with OVERMIND in 2022, which beat Flying Sparks volume 1 for our best-selling campaign ever. It’s a science fiction blend of 1970s-80s European comics with 1950s golden age aesthetics to create a unique world with a lot of sense of wonder.
This series is meant as a replacement for people who love Star Wars or Warhammer 40,000 and have wanted something different than what those properties have done in recent years.
As many of you know, I come from a sci-fi writing background first, so bringing it to comics made for natural storytelling greatness as I’ve merged the two things I love the most: comics and science fiction.
The series progresses in order like this:
Overmind (Comic)
The Immortal Edge (Novel)
The Hidden Emperor (Comic)
Into The Black (Novel)
The new campaign is launching The Hidden Emperor and Into The Black which are not available anywhere else. There are tiers for new readers to get the first books, also a full catch up package for everything. Each story is designed to be a standalone adventure but it builds the world in a way where if you read everything, you get the full experience.
You can start with The Hidden Emperor or get both books (and the novels that accompany them) on the campaign for the full experience. We’re just getting started in this universe and it’s a great time to get in. Back here.
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