At What Point Do People Push Back Against Cancel Culture?
If you didn’t watch my video yesterday about Origins Game Fair and how they cancelled author Larry Correia because of nebulous “problematic” and now this year they’re getting cancelled because their statements regarding the shakedown political force known as Black Lives Matter “wasn’t strong enough,” you should. It’s absurd. And I just got word from […]
Tales of the Batman by Archie Goodwin Review
GET WOKE GO BROKE: Origins Game Fair Cancelled For Not Posting A Hashtag!
Twitter On A Suspension Roll And Becoming More Useless
I was pretty thrilled a couple of weeks ago, because a couple of days after the president made his remarks about threatening twitter, my account seemed to get dethrottled, meaning my posts were not getting seen by anyone but a select few, and almost no one outside of my follower network would ever see a […]
Chuck Wending, Other Trad Pub Writers LITERALLY CAN’T EVEN WRITE!
Legend of the Five Rings Across the Burning Sands Review
New Releases Update!
Comics Flying Sparks Issue #9 is now out on Kindle for those who have been catching up on the series digitally. This brings us up to date for the entire series so far. I love the cover as Jethro really nailed a good emotional vibe for Chloe with her rocky relationship with Johnny thus far. […]
Marvel Artist J. Scott Campbell: I HATE Trump more than ANYONE!
CANCEL CULTURE: Another Flash Actor TARGETED For Firing
A Reader Who Gets It
I love getting reviews like this because it shows there’s people out there who truly understand what I’m going for, and how my books differ from much of the mainstream industry. Despite being classified as a YA series, For Steam and Country is one of the rare YA novels that doesn’t insult the intelligence of its adult […]