We’re pushing out Flying Sparks as single issues if you haven’t seen it, just got #3 out on Kindle and am working on setting the series up on amazon. The purpose of this rerelease experiment is to give people lower price point options to get in on the series, with each issue at $2.99 so […]
Marked Safe From World War 3
Well, President Trump just made his remarks, and everyone who was hyperventilating about Iran on Twitter dot com seems to have been BTFO by rhetorical missiles that actually hit. Most of us don’t really have a clue as to what’s going on in foreign policy, and so spouting off with limited knowledge is just foolish. […]
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Shattered Gris Deluxe Review
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Getting Fit Will Improve You In Every Regard
I read a study recently which showed that a single fall from someone 60+ increases their odds of death by over 30%. That’s pretty huge, but let’s look into why. When someone takes a spill and hurts themselves, breaks a bone, tears something, they’re at a point where they have to stop moving. The stopping […]
Spider-Man 2099 vs. Venom 2099 Review
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SJWs Attempt Coup Of The Romance Writers Of America
Every organization these days is prone to infestation by social justice warriors who want to make the entire world about their pet cause, slow down the purporse of the organization, and eventually turn the organization into something completely worthless that just bleats about their social justice nonsense. This has already happened to the Science Fiction […]
A Civil Discussion With Jon
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ComicsWriter Pro Secrets: How Much Research Should A Writer Do?
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The Steam Knight – Available For Pre-Order
Courage, Danger, Valor… …all await in Steampunk’s special forces. The Knights of the Crystal Spire are Rislandia’s most elite fighters. Trained from a young age, they alone can face the deadliest enemies of their kingdom and beyond. James Gentry joins the Knights’ ranks, starting as an apprentice on his journey from a simple farmer’s life […]
House of X / Powers of X OHC Review
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Chuck Wendig and John Scalzi are RIGHT About This…
Happy New Year. I’m sure you’ve noticed a lack of blog and YouTube activity this last week. I’ve been very busy up in Tahoe in the snow with the fam over the holidays, having a lot of fun and getting a lot of logistical stuff done for the author career. Most notably I: Put up […]
Spider-Man 2099 Classic Volume 3 Review
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