I know this feels… though I don’t vape. But maybe I should… It’s illegal in San Francisco, after all. Help me support my white claw drinking habit by backing me on Patreon. Get short stories, novels, comics, all before anyone else. I produce the best content at an astounding pace. Once we get to 25 […]
Drawing Inspiration
If you follow my social media you might have seen that I’ve been talking up Spider-Girl by Tom DeFalco with artists Pat Olliffe and Ron Frenz as of late. They just came out with a new collected edition of this, which is my favorite comic of all time. People who haven’t heard of it or […]
Meme Of The Day: Know Your Christian Rock!
Not all heroes wear capes, but the one in Flying Sparks does. If you haven’t read Flying Sparks Volume 2, now is the time to do so. It’s the best superhero book out there right now and brings you right back into the best days of Marvel-style storytelling from the 80s. You’ll love it. Catch […]
Hate Website File 770 Pirates Bestselling Author’s Work, Refuses To Apologize
I couldn’t be more shocked. To some degree, I understand the ribbing over politics that goes on. It’s part of the culture, even if these people take it to such extremes that it’s a wonder how they function in their day to day lives (most of them don’t function well from what I’ve seen — […]
Meme Of The Day: Fredo
‘Nuff said. I’m getting ready to launch my Flying Sparks volume 3 kickstarter. Grab Volume 2 now and catch up! The best story you’ll read in comics this year is shipping now.
How To Emulate The Mindset of Winners
I hurt this morning. Two days ago, I strained my calf very badly. I have naturally tight calves because of short tendons in both my legs and arms (which hurt my arms as well for things like typing) and so I tend to get injured by pulling my calf just by walking some days. I […]
Meme Of The Day: Pius on Fake Christians
Amen. Make sure if you like my traditional content to support my traditional Patreon. The more folk subscribed for my fiction and comics the much easier it is to keep this going.
Fake Christian Leaders Leads To Fake Christian Followers
One of the biggest worship leaders out there, one of the biggest most popular names in “Christianity” says he’s losing his faith because pain and death exist? The answer to these sort of things you learn and figure out when you’re a new Christian. Which means this world leader is extremely immature in the faith […]
The NFL Is More Over Than Over
Most Americans already stopped watching football because no one wants to deal with an incessant political middle finger to us in the middle of our sunday entertainment, which is what it became after the national anthem kneeling. Of course, those that run the NFL don’t realize what the problem is and are going even deeper […]
Meme Of The Day: Dead Men Tell No Tales
I hope James Gunn is directing. Like my content? Support my books. The Stars Entwined has a villain who starts an intergalactic war in order to consolidate power. The elites will stop at nothing to retain their grip. I think you’ll enjoy how it goes for the evildoers in the end of my book. Read […]
Obsessing Over Youth Is Destructive
I’ve noticed something in recent days just with our culture’s obsession with youth. All pop stars have to fit within that 16-22 year old range before they are forced into this destructive lifestyle to try to make them “hip” by overly sexualizing them and it further sends them into destructive paths. It’s designed so these […]
What We Learn From Epstein
Is the same lesson we learn when we see the way the Science Fiction Writers of America treat me. Much like the elite class in the overall world, the elites in science fiction have a pedophile problem. It’s detailed in Moira Greyland’s tell all, The Last Closet, where she tells us exactly what was going […]