Ever since I blew up on the scene because I called out a local convention on their blacklisting over politics, I’ve been given lots of advice: “You should just focus on writing…” “Try just being a writer for awhile…” “Really, you’re spending all this time ____ when you should be writing…” “I’d like you better […]
At Least CONVergence Is An Appropriate Name
It’s sad watching the convention scene take playbooks from the shrieking weirdos and further dive deeper into losing their purpose — gathering to promote fun, science fiction and fantasy, and for their attendees to have a good time. It’s a cultural gathering, and they should be taking a look at LibertyCon’s model, as that convention […]
Tor Doubles Down In A Shocking Way
I have the scoop with my weekly column at the District Herald today. Read it here. If you like my journalism, please support my patreon. It helps me keep all this going and you get a lot of great stuff like my new exclusive comic, Pistol Whipped #1.
Pistol Whipped #1 – Patreon Exclusive Comic
Just released a full issue comic to patreon subscribers, which marks 10 months of my being able to deliver a new comic to subscribers without fail. I only promise comics as I am able to complete them, but I’ve been working my tail off to get these produced for you. This one is Pistol Whipped, […]
A New Dawn For SFWA!
Things are changing at SFWA as my friend Mary Robinette Kowal has been installed as president, after I endorsed her candidacy early on. The reason I endorsed her is her assurance to me during WorldCon last year that she was going to attempt to redo their programming to make it a diverse and inclusive place, […]
Meme Of The Day: US WINNING!
The UNDEFEATED WORLD WAR CHAMPS won the Semi-finals in women’s world cup finals. Making America great again. I’m sure the women’s soccer team can’t wait to get their white house meal: Support winning by grabbing your copy of Flying Sparks Volume 2 now. Print run is done, get them before I have to close it […]
Pride Goeth Before A Convention Fall
Well, Pride Month is over everyone. You can remove your rainbow corporate stickers from your windows and stop pretending you give a crap about some dude sticking his genitals in another dude’s anus as if it’s somehow a positive thing. But I’m not here to talk about the corporate pride today, but instead the convention […]
A Brief LibertyCon 2019 After Action Report
For the third year in a row LibertyCon has proven itself to be the best convention in the world – and I’m not exaggerating about that. There’s a lot to the charm – which honestly probably comes to the cap on attendance being so low that you can count on seeing the same people every […]
The Liberty Steampunk Sale Is Here!
My steampunk novels are all about young folk really growing up quickly and doing all they can to fight for liberty and for their country, against the strongest of odds. It makes a great time to have both a LibertyCon and 4th of July pre-sale for everyone. Here’s what we got: For Steam And Country […]
It’s Going To Be The Youth That Save Us
Despite a decade and more of hollyweird, comics, and books ramming it down our throats liktehy’re trying to make us… …perhaps that’s a bad analogy. Regardless, the young are showing less tolerance to LGBT causes, according to a new poll. It’s no wonder, given the fact that every corporation has pushed it hard to the […]
Meme Of The Day: History Pays Respects
F You’ll want to pay respects to those who died in The Battle of Rislandia City quickly to catch up on the series, cuz I’m just about done writing book 4. The Fight For Rislandia is my most epic, dark, and violent book so be prepared!
SJWs Can’t Help But Get Triggered By Everything
You can never win, so you can’t worry about what they think ever. Look at this recent advance review of the new book Tyger’s Burning by T.C. McCarthy as a great example. The biggest problem I had was that Tyger Burning was very racist against the Chinese and Burmese. And they aren’t so great against […]