The stars really aligned, and it is one of those “everything has a purpose, God has a plan, and everything happens for a reason” kind of moments. A lot of what’s happened over the last year has caused me to really get black pilled both on politics and culture, as a lot of you are […]
Meme Of The Day: UFOs Aren’t Real
For your reference, a handy government chart of everything you’re seeing in the sky. After all, the government wouldn’t lie. And it’s total coincidence we’re starting a Space Force. Of course, it could also be an airship you’re seeing, like the one in my #1 Bestselling steampunk series. Listen to the new audiobook today!
The ComicsGate Grifters
I’ve always been good at investigative journalism. It’s a curse as well as a blessing, but I dig and find out things, which is where I’m important to our conservative push in culture. I’ll remind the internet since there are short memories: When I popularized ComicsGate as a hashtag, it was from my research finding […]
Meme Of The Day: Oh Boy, Calvinists!
Ain’t nothin’ wrong with a little predestination, is there? I dunno. It’s beyond my paygrade. What I do know is there’s an awesome audiobook out of my best book, The Blood of Giants, and you should pick it up and listen this weekend!
It’s FINALLY Here!
We had a year’s wait and a bunch of production snafus with the recording of the followup to my bestselling audiobook, but The Blood Of Giants is finally out! My narrator, Katie, moved apartments and this one had a lot of noise she couldn’t get rid of background wise. She literally had to sneak away […]
The Influence Of The Demonic
You can feel a sea change sometimes in the way The Enemy pushes harder against all that’s right and true. It’s beginning again with the media and the elites as we’re seeing more and more across the world push back against the one-world globalism, by the corporation for the corporation, turning humans from free willed […]
Meme Of The Day: No War With Iran!
It’s a terrible idea, especially since it’s all based on false flags. War is rough in the best of times, but when you fall in love with an enemy starship commander, it gets a lot more complicated. Read The Stars Entwined today!
I’ve lost nearly 10 lbs in 18 days with this one simple trick!
It’s called working my ass off. I’ve hit the gym almost every single day the first 10 days– before I got the flu which knocked me out pretty hard the last week both from writing, streaming and working out perspective. Even while I was sick I didn’t just slack on the nutrition front, I kept […]
Meme Of The Day: Nothing Is Better Than Chik Fil-A
I’m sure Katy and Taylor are triggered. If you like my books, like the blog, think I’m funny, just overall want to support what I’m doing, subscribe to my Patreon! It helps me have consistent income to pay for the blog site and as more people subscribe we can really push the boundaries of […]
The New Lunch Stream! Subscribe Today
We’ve got a new line up on the lunch stream: Mondays with Megan – PJ Media’s award winning journalist, Megan Fox, joins us to talk what’s going on in the culture, starting today. New Comic Book Day Wednesdays with #1 Bestselling Artist Timothy Lim. And Fridays with Cap’n Cummings. With a nice array of […]
I’ma Let You Finish…
…but whoever is advising Taylor swift on her career is killing it. We saw the end when she came out in 2018 and stopped her stance on being “apolitical and appealing to everyone” by oddly endorsing for the senate in TN… and someone who was destined to lose at that. It was a bizarre choice, […]
Meme Of The Day: Shaking In My Boots
How can I ever fight against such stalwart warriors? I should just give up. Support the blog by subscribing to Patreon! Get all my content monthly here: