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You’ll Never Believe The Intense Worldbuilding In My Series
My steampunk world has expanded incredibly, considering where it started. It was originally designed as a one-off book like most of my original concepts—available for a series if need be, with the thought of doing single standalone adventures on an airship as Zaira and her crew traveled the world and explored strange wonders. The Blood […]
Meme Of The Day: All the Subgenres
Just like sci-fi, you can break down music into a ridiculous amount of subgenres. Most people won’t know what you’re talking about. Now up on the pre-order store for those who missed the Ember War (Alien Invasion Space Marine Epic Science Fiction genre), you can get the digital version from my pre-order store. Grab it […]
Who Would Want To Work For Big Publishing?
DC Comics just announced that they are shit canning Tom King from Batman, a writer praised for his work on Mister Miracle and largely responsible for a lot of the acclaimed work in comics right now. He had a full arc planned for 100 issues, a storyline that wraps up over that period, and everything […]
Meme Of The Day: Aborted GF
Just imagine if her boomer mom didn’t murder your perfect GF… what could have been. 🙁 Meta-Girl is about the perfect GF out there. I should probably be making body pillows with her image on it. For now, though, there’s comic books. You should buy one here and read what folk are calling “The best […]
We Have A Spy Training Release Date!
It seems like forever since we’ve put a book out, and that’s cuz it’s true. Guard Training was last released in December, marking my last prose work to see print since that time. We’ve been really busy making comic books which has slowed the production schedule down some, but I also wrote four full novels […]
Meme Of The Day: Gucci Gang
Li’l Ben Shapiro may be trying to get us into a middle east war, but he should really just be joining the Gucci Gang. Spy Training is now off to the publisher, which means you need to catch up on my Steam Knight series if you haven’t already! It’s cooler than the Gucci Gang. Read […]
They’ll Jail You Over Your Opinions
There’s been a very frightening story going around the internet, but not for the reasons the Fake News media would have you believe. The media is going after youtuber Soph for “hate speech”. Of course her videos are being mass reported for her content to be taken down, the whole media is in a frenzy […]
Meme Of The Day: US Foreign Policy Explained!
Any questions? War is a nasty thing, and not as fun as the meme makes it look! It gets really dark in The Fight For Rislandia as the war heats up for my characters in this CLFA book of the year award nominated novel. Read the book here. jhk
The Importance Of The Recurring Subscription
Hey all, I don’t push Patreon all that hard because I’ve just got so much stuff coming out all the time there’s just not enough room to really give every platform its due, but it’s actually a very important platform, and here’s why: It’s a recurring monthly subscription. That means I can more or less […]
Reading Through Infinity by Jim Starlin
Well then, I still haven’t seen Avengers: Endgame, not sure I’m going to bother, but the movie being out did remind me that i’ve always wanted to read the Infinity saga by Jim Starlin (i had a few of the issues as a kid but never the whole thing and it came across disjointed that […]
Meme Of The Day: Make Your Move
It’s important in 2019 to get as far away from crazy as possible. Follow this fine gentleman’s lead. A PSA. Catch up on my #1 bestselling Steam Knight series now! Book 3 coming out soon. No crazy women inside.