I gave more thought to this last night, after watching Soph’s interview on Alex Jones. Her point on her original video was the best, but on Jones she also brought up the great point that popularity is something childish that’s fallen back on when one doesn’t have a real argument. It means the person is […]
Meme Of The Day: Show Me On The Doll Where Blumpf Touched You
Oh no, not your fee fees! If you like my memes, check out my books. The Steam Knight has both books available on audio. Catch up for book 3 coming out soon!
Marvel Comics Doubles Down On Crazy
It’s a law that SJWs always double down. Well, Marvel has decided to take their identity politics to the next level: Not only is Ms. Marvel a Muslim woman… now so is CAPTAIN BRITAIN. That’s quite a bold statement about the UK… but so much more woke is done in this panel as not only […]
Limited Hardcover Release?
I probably should have posted this poll on a Survey Monkey or something rather than Twitter, but I wanted to see what kind of interest there was if I ran a quick crowdfund campaign for set up fees for producing a limited edition For Steam And Country hardcover edition to celebrate it’s 2nd anniversary. It […]
Meme Of The Day: China can… what?
This is pretty scary news. Of course it’s been backburned to CSPAN-3 with no media coverage. Be outraged about your peasant shit! Unlike a lot of others, my comics aren’t printed in China. Buy them here.
“Everyone’s Watcing It” Is Just Another Marketing Ploy
Studios are desperate for you to see their work, and part of what they do is to try to build buzz where it’s a social thing if you miss out on a show. This has been a tried and true tactic for the major tv shows and major films as long as we can remember, […]
Shows You Won’t Want To Miss!
Light on time today and trying to get all my work in and still get the stream going. I’ll implore you to watch and subscribe to the Lunch Stream. Today I’ll talk with John Trent from Bounding Into Comics about their facebook page ban: and on Wednesday, we have special guest AJ Cortes, men’s […]
Meme Of The Day: SEX STRIKE!
….it’s not very effective. Like my content? Support my Patreon. It helps keep the blog going and the spicy memes flowing so all the haters can keep getting so so salty.
Why is Milo A Pokemon Villain?
I could chalk it up to coincidence, but Milo Yiannopoulos got his original ban from twitter, and huge propelling to the mainstream by beefing with Hollywood. We all remember Leslie Jones and the awful Ghostbusters remake, and how his criticism of the movie sent Twitter (and her) off the rails? Well, Hollywood’s gotten their revenge […]
Meme Of The Day: What Is Freedom?
I am not a number, I am a free man! And if you like my memes, you’ll enjoy my books. Please check out Guard Training, now available on audio. Strong male lead! Loyalty! Honor! Duty! Lost virtues of heroism in this modern age. All in the book.
The Balance Of Cheesy Preaching And Keeping It Real
Had a great discussion with Morgan Busse on the lunch stream yesterday about writing as a Christian writer. So many of us move into this space where it seems like we’re supposed to write super cheesy stuff in order to get our Christian message across. But the message of Christ is anything but cheesy. Have […]
Meme Of The Day: Watch Out For Creepy Zucc!
He knows when you’ve been sleeping, he knows when you’re awake. He’s mined your data and knows all of your wrong think, so turn off your Alexa so it stops recording! Support banned content like my books. I’m banned from sci-fi conventions because I dared speak out against the SJW establishment. Start here: