Last week, Mark Waid launched a GoFundMe in conjunction with the lawsuit filed against him by Diversity & Comics. Immediately, hot takes on Twitter and YouTube appeared, slamming Mark Waid, making complete conjecture about the situation from claiming he’s broke to claims that the industry doesn’t support him at all to the fact that this […]
Make It Happen For Josh Howard’s T-Bird And Throttle
I just posted a new deal: anyone who backs this indiegogo for $300+ gets written into one of my upcoming novels as a character. Please consider helping Josh out. This is going to be a great book. I’ve read #0 and #1and they’re wonderful. Josh is one of my favorite aritists and we need to […]
The Calm Before The Storm
It’s been an interesting month. Finally, attacks have seemed to calm down. I think this is for a few reasons: Most of the exciting events of the summer are over including Worldcon/my IndieGoGos/ My rapid release of books The Election is sapping the energy of the opposition There’s very little cultural news lately to report […]
They’re Worried About Civil War
I saw rumblings in the last 24 hours in left science fiction author circles worried about a coming civil war. They should be worried. They keep pushing toward that. It’s been amazing just watching the last two years, how they actively pushed me out social media, then the circles where I hung out with them… […]
State Of The Blog
You may have noticed I’ve been blogging a lot shorter lately, not really doing as in-depth of posts and doing a little more promotion. There’s a reason for that. I’ve got severe tendonitis in my wrists and it’s starting to cause other problems — mostly because of how much I write plus play piano plus […]
Nationalism is where it’s at!
Still a better movie than Venom. And #ImANationalist was trending on twitter last night. Good stuff.
SQLite Created a Code Of Conduct And It’s AMAZING
I’m just going to leave it here. I hope everyone abides by it!
Alt-Hero Q Returns
After IndieGoGo pulled their disgusting move by deleting the account and refunding all the backing well after the campaign was completed, Alt-Hero Q returns today on a new platform. I backed this and hope everyone else will as well — we have to send a message to these big tech companies that they can’t do […]
Today’s Lunch Stream Featuring Mike Baron!
I’ve been friends with Mike for awhile now, and am very excited to have him on the stream. The coolest part is every time I look him up, I see he’s done MORE stuff that i loved as a kid. Punisher, Star Wars adaptations of the Timothy Zahn novels, Archer & Armstrong from Valiant Comics, […]
A Free Short Story For Everyone!
I’m relaunching my Patreon in earnest, with a slightly new format as everything comes out. Already got some big tier backers on there so I really appreciate that last night! But mainly, I put up the free story so you can check it out and see the type of content I deliver regularly. The story […]
Busy Month!
I don’t really have a blog topic today because I’m a million miles and hour on all my projects, which are super numerous. I have to figure out how to get the blog off of the malware warning lists too cuz it’s really hampering traffic (and haven’t had time to look into that too much). […]
Common Information Warfare Strategic Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them)
I’ve watched the last several weeks as a certain anti-establishment movement in comics has floundered and lost its way a little. It was bound to happen on the internet with all the winning going on. Huge crowdfund campaigns, nothing but green in the future, but most of the bigger named campaigns were coming to an […]