Just read the Spider-Man Alien Costume Saga Complete Collection vol 1-2, which are out of print but are still floating around there in some places. It comprises of issues 252-262 of Amazing Spider-Man along with the final 10 or so issues of Marvel Team Up and Spectacular Spider-Man 90-100, concluding in Web of Spider-Man #1. […]
Flying Sparks Volume 2 Is Live!
I left you with a cliffhanger in volume 1… …the resolution will leave you breathless. Mob Ties picks up right where book 1 left off, and I put my foot firmly on the action gas pedal and never let up. It just gets bigger, crazier. There’s new deadly villains. There’s new devastating secrets. There’s new […]
Worldcon 76 Committee Member Attacks Hispanic Author With Fake Review
One would think that while Worldcon was in a lawsuit with me over their defamatory statement calling me a “racist bully” that they would at the very least instruct their committee members not to further tamper with my business or try to harm my reputation over their angry extremist political stances. Well, it looks like […]
The Feast Of War Recap: The Value Of Good Men
Apologies for the lack of blog on Monday, but I was recovering from a weekend of too much fun, joy, energy, and needed the headspace to work on prepping my Kickstarter launch on Thursday for Flying Sparks 2: Mob Ties. You might be wondering what the title Feast Of War is, or why it was […]
I Fought With The Mob And I Got Ties #FlyingSparks
Only 6 days until we launch Flying Sparks Vol. 2: Mob Ties. I’m so excited. Flying Sparks has been so well-received it’s rejuvenated my love for comics all the way around. My vision when I created this was to get a superhero world that transcended comics. I want to expand to audio dramas, film, and […]
#ComicsGate Doesn’t Want Or Need Gatekeepers
Political gatekeeping has to stop. Last summer saw a group of guys who were forging ahead in indie comics in a way that was unique. We pushed each others books, cared about the craft, were working toward building a world where GOOD books were what mattered. The whole point of ComicsGate was to point a […]
Another Complete Graphic Novel!
Just yesterday Jethro Morales turned in his final pages for The Ember War graphic novel. The 120-page epic adaptation of Richard Fox’s bestselling sci-fi series is now complete! I’m super excited, as we’ve been working on this book for about a year. It’s taken a lot of time and effort, but it’s paid off really […]
Tucker’s Got The Right Of It
I beat the drum a lot of “never apologize to SJWs.” We’ve seen it over and over again in the book industry, as people come out with their art, get roasted because they “offended” some outrage mob on Twitter, and then they apologize for something they’re not sorry about, that they never did wrong, and […]
Captain Marvel: FINALLY, A Movie Supporting Trump’s Immigration Policies
I’m not going to give the same hot takes as everyone else. You’ll have your movie reviews that talk about the mess that is Captain Marvel. I think the sad part about the whole movie that there’s just very simple choices which are easy to fix and it could have been a fine movie. But! […]
Preparing For Launch
Getting close to the time where I’m going to be launching Flying Sparks Volume 2: Mob Ties on Kickstarter. I’m planning on launching March 21st. There’s a lot of work to do to follow up on my $30,000+ successful first campiagn. I’m trying out some different things this time around in hopes to expand the […]
I Guess He Should Just Start His Own Amazon
That way Tommy Robinson can compete in the marketplace of ideas, right? This is the new battlefield. These giant mega-corporations at every step are dictating what people can see and hear, and it’s in a complete attempt to influence people’s thoughts, elections, maintain power. Multi-national corps like Amazon and Google get governments to do their […]
Social Justice Destroys Churches
It’s amazing to me how ridiculous the major churches have gotten, and I see the Devil’s work at play here very clearly. “Church” often when it comes to megachurches has become about feeling good, hanging out, engaging in culture just like everyone else does. I had to leave a church over this shift to try […]