Rumblings about AnimeGate have been going on the last few days in conjunction with a story I talked about on the blog a couple of weeks ago, voice actor Vic Mignonia being targeted on Twitter for what amounts to the guy being overly-flirty at conventions with fans. The #MeToo movement acted to an extreme, and, […]
Movie Review: They Shall Not Grow Old
I found out Peter Jackson put out a World War I documentary where he combed through footage and colorized it. It turned out to be a lot more than that on the film front, where he took film that he thought was previously ruined (too dark, scratches, warped film, etc) and restored it digitally to […]
A Phenomenal Review + The Lunch Stream with Brian Niemeier
I received about the most substantive review of Flying Sparks to date last night from Elzibar. This person truly understands the importance of character to drive a story, and what I’m going for by proxy. It’s not a puff piece, he has very good critiques on the book but on the story front, you can […]
Help Save A Woman’s Life
An anthology for a cause. Author A.M. Freeman is taking over the blog today to talk to you about something far more important than I could state today, as a woman’s life is at stake. Please consider supporting. – Jon For over a decade, Bonnie Oliver has gone from doctor to doctor seeking answers to […]
Alterna Comics’ Peter Simeti Gets Swatted
Things have gone beyond crazy in the comics world. I’ve been on the receiving end of a lot of comics Twitter hate, and I have to tell you, it’s about the least fun thing you can ever experience. For perspective, this is about people making 22 page cartoon books, and grown adults lose their minds […]
The Great Rislandia Wiki Project
As I mentioned yesterday, I started going through and updating all the information on Rislandia contained within the books and short stories. As there’s 3 novels, 2 novellas and 5 short stories of content, it took some combing through and doing. I spent the last 3 days re-reading through all of them and taking note […]
For Steam And Country Revised Edition Is Here!
I am pleased to announce we have released the brand new, updated For Steam And Country. This includes a fresh edit which brings the prose up to my current standards, addressed a couple of continuity issues within the book, and helped a couple of the descriptions which were necessary. It also changed the formatting so […]
SocialGalactic: The Future Of Social Media
It was just announced and went live today. I’m on there of course @JDelArroz Come check it out and sign up:
Never EVER Apologize to SJWs
It’s 2019, and I feel like this has been beaten to death as a topic, but it still bears repeating as we now have the millionth example of someone hoping to get back in the good graces of SJWs who control publishing after explicitly VIOLATING THE NARRATIVE. I need to point people to the great […]
When You Can Predict How Enemies React (SOTU Analysis)
When you easily can predict how opponents will react, you can set a persuasive agenda that is unparalleled. We watched this in action in the state of the union address last night where President Trump has pushed the Democrats to go full tilt. I love watching this strategy in play because it’s useful on a […]
Last Chance For Steam And Country 99 Cent Sale!
The sale ends today and it’s been a tremendously successful week for the series as a whole. Thank you everyone for checking out and enjoying the books. You can get For Steam And Country for 99 cents here, get into the series at pretty much no risk (they only get better as the series goes along […]
Burnt Out On Fake Outrage
If there’s one thing the internet is good at, it’s fake outrage of the day. For the people stirred up, it isn’t even fake. The passions are real. But the reason people stir it up is for clicks and engagement, not about any concern about an actual topic. The danger we run into is there […]