What a day! Despite having a hate campaign against me where several reviewers said they couldn’t review the book because they feared harassment from ComicsGate, some reviewers were very brave with their channels. Please give them likes and subscribes to let them know that people love them for being brave and being a REAL alternative […]
Meta-Man Special is HERE!
Been hyping this for a couple of weeks, but now Flying Sparks: Meta-Man Special is available, my first release of the year. You can get it in Kindle format on Amazon or you can get it in CBZ from the Arkhaven store direct. The print version is in Amazon’s system and takes a couple of […]
The Spanish Civil War
I’m reading The Battle for Spain by Antony Beevor on my little trip here, and thought I’d just pass along a little of what I’m seeing so far. In America, we see things as so left or right, north or south, black or white — in other countries, that binary duality doesn’t quite exist. Spain […]
What A Review!
As I mentioned I’m out and about the next few days a little busy here for the blog, but I received a very nice review of Flying Sparks — spoiler inside that cover “Chapter 1”. This is probably the most comprehensive review of the book yet. High marks given as usual, which is nice. Now […]
Some Post New Years Check In
Hey guys, I’m going to be very busy today and probably early next week so I don’t know how much blogging I’ll do unless some major news hits. Here’s what’s in the pipeline for me: Today, Lunch Streaming with YouTuber Nerdette and Cap’n Cummings: I also started the last book in my Nano Templar trilogy: […]
A Special Happy Frogs Streaming Event
You won’t want to miss this, as this list is far more prestigious than the actual Hugo Awards themselves.
The Distribution Problem In Comics Is Solved
Peter Simeti, owner of Alterna Comics, made a post inquiring as to whether would support a crowdfund to “make a new distribution system” for comics the other day. He’s interested to see what people would pay for that. Overwhelmingly, comics fans acknowledge Diamond Distribution’s role in being a problem for comics, and of course, the […]
SFWA’s Bizarre Stance Of Supporting Targeted Harassment Of Children
Over the past year, I’ve applied to join the Science Fiction Writers of America three times. In theory, the organization is supposed to be a group that supports professional sci-fi writers, in assisting with medical insurance, providing access to net-galley reviews for releases, and being a community of writers who sell above a certain threshold. […]
10 Books Every New Sci-Fi Reader Should Read
I was asked the other day by a reader where someone should start with sci-fi. There’s a lot of good books out there, but these are 10 which can give you a nice smattering of what sci-fi is. I didn’t include fantasy, but there’s a couple of books which skirt the line of fantasy from […]
Being A Creator Is All About Producing
There’s things going on right now I just don’t want to blog about because it’s just so negative, so instead, I’m reflecting on how to make 2019 into something better than 2018 (which was pretty great as it was) and build a new movement from the ashes of the old one I started in early […]
Meme Of The Day: Anime And Subtitles
It’s a new year… and I”m super sick and in bed not having the brain capacity to blog this morning. So I’ll just post up a meme and call it a day. If you missed it yesterday, my comic Flying Sparks is now available in high rezz digital and print on the Arkhaven store. Bypass […]
A New Year And New Innovations In Comics
Unlike a lot of the guys who launched crowdfunds over the summer who are still struggling to try to get their works done and haven’t figured out what to do on distribution as they’re exploring the same tired traditional options which historically don’t move the needle at all, we’re continuing to innovate and make the […]