Sorry I’m a little late this morning. Have a new article up in the Federalist about the Jawbreakers comic and the blacklisting involved and my notifications have been out of control. Read the article here. And if your’e from the Federalist, I’m primarily a science fiction writer who’s been harassed out of conventions because of […]
Bestseller Larry Correia Removed As Guest From Origins Game Fair Over Politics
Breaking news. Only a few hours ago, Origins Game Fair released their announcement of their guests of honor, among which was New York Times Bestseller, mega-successful rockstar writer, Larry Correia. Immediately, SJWs took to the comments to harass and libel Correia, calling him a litany of names as is the standard fare given to conservative […]
Book Blast: The Stones Of Silence by Peter Grant
Peter Grant is a man who has my utmost respect, and is a wonderful author. He penned one of my favorite books, Brings The Lightning, which won the CLFA Book Of The Year Award last year (of which my book, For Steam and Country is the winner this year). So he’s a man I like […]
They Blacklisted Richard Meyer, Now What Do You Do As A Fan?
Over the weekend, the big news broke that big names in the industry put pressure on retailers, fans, and Antarctic press, over Richard Meyer’s new book, Jawbreakers, which is one of the biggest successes in comic history on the crowdfund level. Antarctic Press caved and won’t publish the book. But what does this mean globally? […]
Speculative Faith Article: Let’s Talk About Sex
Speculative Faith, a Christian magazine dedicated to SF/F writing for Christian authors had me write an article. As sex is such a crucial plot component to The Stars Entwined, I decided to write about what I’ve seen in the Christian genres, and gave my thoughts on the place of sex in fiction. Sex is a […]
Friend Friday: V.R. Konner On Overrepresentation of Minorities In Fiction
Today we have a wonderful guest, V.R. Konner, who is an author and graphic designer responsible for the maps which will be in future installments of the Baron Von Monocle universe books. He stops by the blog today to talk about his experience in writing, and how he avoids the trope of overrepresentation which is […]
Another Pedophile Exposed In Mainstream Science Fiction
Ever since Moira Greyland released the book detailing just how her mother, Science Fiction legend and feminist icon Marion Zimmer Bradley sexually abused her — and used the convention circuit to allow her friends to do the same, I’ve posted warning about the pedophilia that’s been normalized within the mainstream science fiction community. In hindsight, […]
Con Carolinas Set A Dangerous Precedent For Sci-Fi Cons To Advocate Fascism
When Con Carolinas removed John Ringo from their convention, effectively banning him because a small internet outrage mob attempted to harass him out of a convention, they did more than just attack a single author. They set a precedent for other conventions to start pushing their “code of conduct” policies to a point where they […]
Literature Isn’t Declining – But The Gatekeepers Want You to Think it Is
A couple of articles were brought to my attention on monday about the state of the industry. It’s no wonder the publishing world is shaken, after Barnes & Noble is undergoing a decline. It’s literally their last, best outlet to maintain control over what people see, keeping a limited selection of perspectives and ideas. What […]
Barnes & Noble’s Death Would Be Great For Indie Authors
The New York Times yesterday came out with an article on how necessary it is to save Barnes & Noble, the original local bookstore killer. Remember, this is the company that made your local bookstore go out of business in the 90s. The company launched a number of failed initiatives to compete with Amazon over […]
Should Authors Work In Multiple Genres?
Like anything, it depends on your goals. Working as an author is a balance between art and commercial appeal, and so one has to keep both in mind while creating. Over my one year span of releasing in the business, I’ve released works in three different subgenres of science fiction: Space Opera / Mil SF, […]
Flash Fiction Friday – “Fired Up In The Desert”
I don’t usually write much random fiction in the middle of projects, but this popped into my head today. It’s extremely short, but I’ve been meaning to do a little more weird west and don’t have time for much so this hopefully will quench my thirst for awhile. Free to read, fresh off the word […]