I updated my $12,370 stretch goal for people interested. When it hits, backers are going to be getting a 6- Page short story via a bonus PDF of a team up of my main character, Meta-Girl, with the public domain superhero, Dynamite Thor, who I reimagined for the modern age. It was a proof of […]
It’s Hard To Build Bridges When Our Enemies Fight For The Sake Of Fighting
It’s always boggled my mind as to why the SJWs keep at it. A lot of my troubles with the publishing establishment stem from the fact that Cat Rambo went after me hard after she started the whole scenario by attacking my writing on the hate website File 770, while simultaneously acting like I’d started […]
#NCBD Crowdfunding Livestream — Writer’s Chat With Chuck Dixon (Wednesday 7 PM EST)
Pleased to announce I’ll be livestreaming with Chuck Dixon on Wednesday, August 1st at 7 PM EST to talk about our crowdfunding projects, the state of the comic industry, the changes to the future, and I’ll probably gush at Chuck over his 90s Robin run, cuz Stephanie Brown is bae. Watch the stream here and […]
Introducing Indiechron – The Guide To ComicsGate Crowdfunds
Over the weekend, I launched a new page in conjunction with Edwin Boyette and popular YouTuber That Umbrella Guy. The page is meant to track the sales of Comicsgate and indie projects in order to provide an aggregate amount of sales, plus help people find new projects to back. Our intention is to capture all […]
Every Day I’m Hustlin’ – A Zillion Livestreams
Part of the reason my stuff keeps selling is I’m constantly selling. It’s a pain in the butt, it’s not very fun, it makes my social media accounts not very fun too (I’m sorry friends!) but it’s a part of the game in order to get the next leg up. I’m focused on business first, and […]
You Can’t Stop The Signal
They tried to shut me out when my first book came out, removing me as a speaker from my beloved BayCon and turning all of my friends against me. That book went on to be nominated for the Dragon Award. They tried to mock me and tell me I was “applying for a job at […]
Tor Tries To Shut Down Hispanic Author’s Promotion Efforts
Tor Books is very scared of me. So scared they’re trying to shut my promotional platforms down by having their followers mass report me after they harass and gaslight me. It’s absolutely crazy that a company would do this, but this is where we are in 2018. Why? I’m a #1 Amazon Bestseller, a successful […]
Tor Books Attacks Your Humble Hispanic Author!
Nothing scares these people more than a minority going off the reservation and speaking out against the inherent bigotry the SJWs have. They work so hard to hide it by relentlessly talking about how they’re “protecting” us and “helping marginalized” authors. When the truth is, their bigotry runs so deep that they almost always are […]
The Train Wreck Of Identity Politics: Worldcon Edition
Worldcon has been a cesspool of identity politics for a long time now. The current team handling the 2018 convention has at every turn expressed that playing the identity politics game is more important to them than science fiction (which is what the World Science Fiction Convention is supposed to be about), more important than […]
Make Comics Great Again: Flying Sparks Comic Live On IndieGoGo!!!
Flying Sparks: A Hero And Villain In Love – On IndieGoGo Now! The Origin Working in comics has always been my dream. Well before I finished my first novel, I’d been writing comic scripts. I worked on a viariety of web comics with different artists of varying amateur skill who would pair with me… most […]
Former Hugo Award Administrator Admits Anti-Conservative Discrimination By Worldcon
It happened on the hate website, File 770 this weekend. Former Hugo Award Administrator John Lorentz stated “the rules were changed with the specific intention of making it harder for ‘those people’ to be on the ballot. That’s political.” This marks one of the first times we’ve seen a person who’s been associated with the […]
What Do You Do About The Haters And Losers?
I posted up some of the hate I receive regularly last night on social media, when a random person took to a wall and from that comment on actually spent the entire evening relentlessly attacking me. Another author friend of mine posed a question: “how do you deal with the 24-7 hate you get?” Jon […]