For Steam And Country is out! Today is the big day. I know you’ll really enjoy this book. Buy For Steam And Country, check it out, tell your friends. on Amazon now! Both paperback and ebook are available. Audiobook will be later. I’ll have guest blogs and interviews all over the internet today. Synopsis: Her father’s been pronounced […]
For Steam And Country – Release Tomorrow – Your Marching Orders For The Grand Rislandian Army!
Tomorrow marks the release of For Steam And Country: Book One of The Adventures of Baron Von Monocle. I’m super thrilled to share this Steampunk fantasy novel with you. Reviewers are also loving the book. Steampunk Chronicle says it’s “a solid adventure tale, much in the mold of Patrick O’Brian.” The goal is to make […]
New Federalist Article: The Alt-Tech Revolution
I’ve written about this before in one of my more popular blog posts: Big Tech is NOT your friend. We have to stop giving the companies that mine our data, track us, and then use that information to propagandize and silence our voices. It’s going to be the only way to enact change long term and […]
The Last Crusade: Your Work Matters
A friend sent me a link to a NY Times article this morning about Christianity reshaping the middle east. They actually made a positive article about the work Christians are doing over in Syria and other parts of the world that are ridden with terrorism, and how those efforts are shaking the enemies of God and […]
Writing Advice For New Writers
Author and Editor (one of the best out there) Dario Ciriello wrote a nice guest post on the Hugo-nominated Castalia House blog this morning on writing advice: The push to force everyone into a one-size-fits-all template began in Hollywood and is now rampant in the publishing industry. Don’t get me wrong: there are plenty of […]
How To Win (Or What I Learned From The French Open and Rafael Nadal)
I was talking with my dad this morning about the French Open tennis tournament. Before I lose you with sports talk, this is a great metaphor for life that I think is worth your time, so stay with me. One of the tennis greats is Rafael Nadal, who had a stellar early career, and in […]
For Steam And Country — The Song!
I am not sure it’s going to ever get much cooler than this, even when the book comes out. A wonderful person by the name of Ben Zwycky came to me a few weeks ago and told me he’d written lyrics based on my work (Ben also did some copyediting/proofreading on the book, thank you […]
The Right Geek Podcast Interview
My apologies for not posting this link when it was live but today I was on The Right Geek podcast talking For Steam And Country, Star Realms as well as their respective genres. It was fun times. Enjoy:
#SteampunkMonth Retro Review: 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea
I had originally thought that this would a short read, something quick that I could get into and show its influence on the streampunk genre, as in steampunk communities, this book is talked about regularly. I’d considered it proto-steampunk from my loose memory of it as a child. Perhaps its due to its attitude, just […]
#Steampunk Month Guest Post: Author J.M. Anjewierden
This marks the first time I’ve ever had a guest post on my blog. Not sure how often I’ll do it but I saw that J.M. here had a really awesome Steampunk novel released this week, and invited him to come talk about his release a little bit. The book is Penny Dreadful and the […]
The File 770 Crowd Loves Me, Quite Literally
I’m actually pretty thrilled that Mike Glyer‘s crew over at File 770 has such incredible obsession with me. I don’t know any of these people in person, have barely talked to any of them if at all, except Mike proper, so it’s really flattering to say the least. Last week, I got a creepy poem […]
Behavioral Observations In Science Fiction
Now, I’ve been active in this scene for a long time. Been hanging around big name authors since about 2010, been reading since the 90s, so I think I have a good sample size of the general landscape, and how people react. Here’s the truth: There’s two groups, the old guard burnout mentality, and the […]