This is it! Star Realms: Rescue Run hits tomorrow. Kindle preorders are still up at and I have word that ordering for the physical book will also be available tomorrow for those waiting for that. So excited! If you haven’t heard much about it yet…. well then you haven’t read this blog. But if […]
Trading Card Games: Old and New
Something New: A couple of ridiculously cool gaming things occurred this weekend: 1. Final Fantasy Trading Card Game released. Now I’ve ignored all TCGs the last several years because I like the Living Card Game (LCG) format pioneered by Android: Netrunner, and find it’s a more sustainable situation for playing games not to have […]
Terry Moore’s Motor Girl #1 Review (Spoiler Free)
Last week marked the release of Terry Moore’s new comic, Motor Girl #1. I’ve been eagerly awaiting this since the end of Rachel Rising, which is my favorite comic book series of all time, which you should check out the omnibus here. I’m a bit late in reviewing because of other obligations, but here goes!
Chatting with NTY Bestseller Todd McCaffrey
I’ve wanted to do a fireside chat, casual talk show for a long time, and on Saturday, I’m going to be doing my first test. The concept is Geekchats, where I talk with fellow geeks and industry professionals about, well, geek stuff. Baseball is included in the literal definition of “geek stuff” because if you […]
World Series Game 7 Analysis: The State of Baseball’s Future
Wait, this is a science fiction writer’s blog, right? Aren’t you going to talk about your new book, Star Realms: Rescue Run and its hot presale on Amazon, 2 days only for a kindle version at $2.99? There you go. Buy it and support awesome fiction! Seriously. Now that that’s out of the way. […]
ANNOUNCEMENT: It’s Here! Star Realms: Rescue Run!!!
I’ve been getting messages daily asking for when more information would be out on my novel, and it’s finally here! At least for the announcement. You’ll still have to wait til Nov 15th for delivery. I’ll have a pre order link coming soon. For now, here’s the cover and the announcement from Evil Girlfriend Media, […]
Random Thoughts 11/1/16
NaNoWriMo started today. I sit right now at 1,735 words, hope to double that before I finish today.
NaNoWriMoPrep: The Anatomy Of A Novel Part V: The Outline
Happy Halloween! Which means tomorrow is #NaNoWriMo. Oh my. Remember to breathe! This is the last installment of NaNoWriMo prep. I actually did mine over the weekend, but there’s still enough time for tonight. The last thing to do – is the dreaded outline! I actually break down my concept, close my eyes, think about […]
Doomtown: Revisited
Someone asked me about all of the work I did for Doomtown: Reloaded, the card game from Alderac Entertainment that just met its demise for new production. This game has the coolest mechanics, worth checking out on the clearance racks of stores for sure. I wrote a LOT of words over the last couple of years, […]
NaNoWriMoPrep: The Anatomy Of A Novel Part IV: Expanding the Big Idea
We’re only 6 days away from NaNoWriMo. Are you getting nervous yet? I know I am. I have a book dropping mid-November that I have to promote every day. I have edits of another book I’m working on, I’ve got my job which keeps me busy and two kids which keep me even busier than […]
Space… the Tiny Frontier
Military Science Fiction or Space Opera has had a long tradition in the gaming world. There are a LOT of crossover fans of both of these things. I remember as a youth I’d play privateer and escape velocity (still the best computer game of all time, I don’t need your stinking graphics or cut scenes! […]
Top 5 Space Operas Of All Time
It’s not secret I’ve been thinking a lot about space opera recently. It’s my favorite thing to both read and write and I’ll be coming out with my first book in the genre in short order! In the meantime though, I’ve put together my list of my top five favorite all time space opera series. Any of […]