Shigeru Miyamoto, known as the creator of the Super Mario, Donkey Kong, and The Legend of Zelda series, currently serves as Nintendo’s Representative Director and Creative Fellow. The legendary Nintendo game designer may be in hot water with the Nintendo executives after his IMDb page apparently leaked confidential plans for future Nintendo Switch games and […]
Former Marvel Comic Artist Jon Malin Detained By C2E2 Security: “That Is Fighting Cancel Culture.”
“I can’t believe what happened here today, guys, legendary stuff… That is fighting cancel culture. Being where you’re told you’re not supposed to be.” That was Godlike and Graveyard Shift creator Jon Malin’s comment live at the C2E2 convention in Chicago, Ill. on April 26 after being briefly detained by event security while livestreaming and […]
San Diego Comic-Con And WonderCon Yanked Nerdrotic’s Press Pass: ‘I Don’t Know If I’d Give A F**k’. Are Anti-Woke YouTubers Being Blacklisted By Conventions?
The March 29 to March 31 WonderCon and July 25 to July 29 San Diego Comic-Con, both run by the non-profit organization Comic-Con International, yanked the press pass of Gary “Nerdrotic” Buechler who was set to cover the events for his 1 million subscribers on YouTube, the YouTuber recently revealed on an April 3 livestream. […]
Another Comic Shop Cosmic Comics Closes As the Comic Industry Spirals
It seems like a comic book store is closing every other week. The comic book industry has been in turmoil over the last year, as poor writing, lack of editorial vision, and identity politics have mired Marvel and DC Comics to a point where too many customers have checked out. Now, Cosmic Comics has announced […]
Diversity Buster ‘’ Lanches As Games Curator Kabrutus Speaks Out on DEI in Gaming
In a recent controversy that set the gaming world ablaze, the Steam Curator group ‘”Sweet Baby Inc Detected” found itself at the center of a heated debate between gamers and gaming journalists. The group, created by Brazilian gamer Kabrutus, aims to inform consumers about games that have been influenced by DEI ideology during their development […]
Gail Simone Lectures X-Men Fans On How Best To Write Deadpool As A Character
Gail Simone is ramping up her profile as she’s about to launch two major runs for Marvel and DC Comics. Superman, a short run for three issues, and Uncanny X-Men which is going to mark a new era titled From The Ashes. She took to Twitter / X on Monday to give comic readers her […]