One of my main principles is I’m anti-bullying. I started #ComicsGate because I received information as a journalist that Richard Meyer was being bullied by professionals to the point where he was going to get harassed at conventions and possibly have people harm him physically. I defend those who are bullied. I pick up the mantle. This […]
On Words, Meanings, And How Not To Be An Idiot
A primer on how humans communicate and how words mean things and how you can understand what they mean and not derail a conversation into pointlessness. Let’s suppose I say “Democrats are a cancer upon society” in relation to say, their attempting to block the badly needed Border Wall with Mexico (which Mexico is gonna […]
It Must Be A Slow Sales Month For ComicsGate
Looking at the December numbers on IndieCron, an idea I helped start but now they blacklist me from being mentioned because they’re ordered to, it’s pretty dismal to look at. The outrage cash has pretty much disappeared into the coffers of a frog comic that may or may not be ever made, and to a […]
The Cardinal Mistake With SJWs and Robert Silverberg
Robert Silverberg, a science fiction legend who’s responsible for editing some of the greatest sci-fi anthologies and short fiction collections of all time, among having one of the biggest writing careers in sci-fi himself, had a private email list with a few friends over the summer. On the list, he made commentary about NK Jemisin’s […]
A Failed Movement In Three Acts
It was interesting to see how comicsgate came and went, and how fast it went from something that was growing with momentum and then how fast it just went into contract mode. It was a leadership issue at its heart, as how leaders go so goes the movement. It’s easy to break down into its […]
Two Face Finally Came For Me
It’s been a proxy war for the last 2 months. Ethan Van Sciver — aka Two Face — said platitudes to me for awhile, while he had private chats where he sent people both after me, and he was even so paranoid to think that people were “spying” on my behalf. This is what happens […]
ComicsGate is Dead
Unranked Cheveron lays it out very well in this video: Bad leaders produce fractured movements. But that’s okay. no one can stop us from content creating over here. Make sure to back my Patreon. It helps me keep the blog going, the yotuube going, write stories, and it gets you a ton of great content.
The Left’s Social Pressure Tactics And Moderates
The left knows the game. Moderates don’t respond based on logic or being swayed by “good points in debate.” They respond based on social pressure. You can push a moderate from a right winger and divide a base by hitting the talking points that instills fear into the moderate. A moderate is scared to be […]
No, Mark Waid Having A GoFundMe Isn’t A Win For ComicsGate
Last week, Mark Waid launched a GoFundMe in conjunction with the lawsuit filed against him by Diversity & Comics. Immediately, hot takes on Twitter and YouTube appeared, slamming Mark Waid, making complete conjecture about the situation from claiming he’s broke to claims that the industry doesn’t support him at all to the fact that this […]
A ComicsGate Divided And How To Get It Back On Track
It looks (perception wise) like there’s been wave after wave of defeat in the movement to save comics from the clutches of the radical leftists at Marvel and DC. The movement both grew a little too fast and lost its purpose over the last month or so, and there’s a few natural reasons for it. […]
Bounding Into Comics Interview
I was interviewed about The Ember War, Comicsgate, my books, all sorts of stuff. A good one: Back the Ember War here:
Marvel’s Ties With The Clintons And Islam
Vox Day broke an incredible story this morning which bears repeating: Marvel’s deep dive into Islam and the Deep State. A reader of his uncovered some information regarding the relationship of Marvel’s VP of content and character development in conjunction with both the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation as well as UN Funding. ComicsGate may […]