You know those craigslist transactions in a sketchy neighborhood? You might be going to pick up a collection of Magic: The Gathering or a rare Star Trek ornament, but you don’t want to park your car and get kidnapped? Bring a friend to those is my advice, because this is about something completely different!
Thoughts on Rogue One (Trying Not To Spoiler)
I’ve had a few hours to think about Rogue One. I went in skeptical, because Force Awakens was such a Hollywood soft reboot it was insulting to our collective intelligences, as well made as it was, and I was expecting this movie to be a member berries-filled ride as obnoxious as that. Starting as a […]
The Final Countdown
This is it! Star Realms: Rescue Run hits tomorrow. Kindle preorders are still up at and I have word that ordering for the physical book will also be available tomorrow for those waiting for that. So excited! If you haven’t heard much about it yet…. well then you haven’t read this blog. But if […]
NaNoWriMo Prep: The Anatomy Of A Novel Part I
After my last post, I received a question asking: how much prep can you really do for NaNoWriMo? And that’s a really good question. I’m aware that there’s different types of writers out there, some people just write and go, letting the flow take them where it needs to. This really isn’t for a writer […]
On Space Opera
Space Opera has been a sub-genre that’s excited me since I discovered the subgenre of Science Fiction at about 12 years of age, when I first discovered Babylon 5 on television. Truth be told, I knew of it much earlier through Star Wars, but I didn’t recognize that as space opera until much later. All […]