What a breath of fresh air when I saw this yesterday:
Naturally, the magazine was attacked all over Twitter by the usual suspects saying this is a “red flag” and trying to torch the magazine itself. Apparently SFWA spent time trying to torch these people, as they’ve done with so many folk who politically disagree with their failed leadership, headed by the incompetent Mary Robinette Kowal.
Why does the SFWA post fake news? Why do they exhibit so much bias? There are a number of cases, but let’s begin with a solid example.
The SFWA issued a warning (via Writer Beware) stating that Thinkerbeat was the publisher of both the Unfit and Unreal magazines. This has never been the case. They have always been published by us, Longshot Press. Why didn’t the SFWA check the facts? Why did they mislead the public? Why, most importantly, haven’t they removed the false statement?
You can read more about SFWA’s attack on this magazine here.
Remember this every time they bleat about “diversity and inclusivity” they mean they’ll go out and seek and destroy anyone who disagrees with them politically or even LOOKS LIKE they’re a person who disagrees with them politically.
SFWA is an enemy to actual discourse and actual freedom of speech within the science fiction community. And this is just another incident where they show they can’t be objective about anything. Very sad to watch.
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Ah, Mary Three-Names. The woman who joined a Mormon writer podcast to give a lecture on writing porn.
The SFWA has harbored pedophiles, pedophilia and bad writing for decades. The people in that union writing now are pretty much 10¢ versions of actual writers like Ray Bradbury, Harlan Ellison or Isaac Asimov. Patrick S. Tomlinson, Pail Weimar, MM Schill and Rebecca Gomez Ferrell May write the most derivative garbage I’ve ever read (I looked over all their works on Google books previews, all are pure trash, unoriginal or have really dumb ideas shoehorned into them). This group needs to be replaced by a group with talent and leadership. A group not established by pedophiles and defending disgusting pedophilic tropes in its members work.
thank you for this post. it was one of the first I’ve seen to be critical about the existing structures in SF.
i receive so many rejections from “the big” SFWA magazines and when I read their stuff it’s such crap. now i feel better.
i also wouldnt be surprised if scientology has a hand in the SFWA, as it does in the you-know-which megalith SF writing contest.