I’m gonna take the time to give a projects update.
I know some people aren’t thrilled about my novel output, or my lack of it rather, but there’s a reason for that.
Two of the novels I worked on last year were collaborations — one which will have a full musical accompaniment by Moira Greyland who wrote beautiful scores and lyrics for the book. It’s probably one of the loftiest artistic endeavors I’ve ever engaged upon. I’ve been piecing as much as I can on that together while trying to get out general books.
The second I worked on was a fantasy novel with Morgon Newquist, who is a great writer, and because of time and scheduling that went back and forth for a long time.
During a long lull of that i started writing The Stars Rejoined, the third Aryshan War book, so that ended up started and stopped a few times because of going back to the book with Morgon. Let me tell you it’s hard to start and stop books because you lose your place, have to re-catch up, make sure continuity is in line, so that book ended up shelved for awhile and needing to be picked back up.
I’m about 3 scenes from finishing The Stars Rejoined.
So what’s going to happen in the next few weeks I’ll be editing and polishing these to make sure they’re all ready to go. There will be 3 novels coming very soon, and then I will be writing the next Von Monocle novel, The Crystal Conspiracy, which I have outlined.
On comics:
- Deus Vult will be launching in a week. It’s pretty much done except for a couple pages we’ve left to be able to draw backers into it.
- Flying Sparks Issue 13 is complete on lines, going to be working on 14 soon.
- OVERMIND, my science fiction graphic novel is in inks should have a full issue done there soon.
- Untitled Werewolf Comic Issue #1 is getting lettered. I really gotta figure out a title.
- Cosmic Warrior Issue #3 has about 4 pages left to ink.
- Clockwork Dancer Issue #2 is half done with lettering. I’m going to try to get this done in the next 2 weeks too aiming for march release.
- AI Wars #2 is being drawn.
- Western-Romance comic is in development.
- Toying with revitalizing a golden age hero, Star Flagg, much like I did with Dynamite Thor.
- Considering republishing a couple of classic and euro comics which I think deserve attention including restorations.
I don’t have much in the way of short comics mainly cuz my artists are all pretty occupied, but I have a couple of scripts if the right person comes along. We’ll see.
And finally, I’m seriously looking at delving into board games. There seems to be a need there.
So a lot of stuff just at various stages of development, trying to go as much as I can! Tell your friends about the book is the best way to help everything because if I have 5-10x the resources, this all becomes a lot easier.
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