The Script Editor for the English dub of Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid has struck back at Internet creator Asmongold, after his remarks about the woke localization of the series. In a video posted to TikTok, Jamie Marchi sarcastically claims to be responding to the streamer, and instead took the opportunity to go on the attack.
Putting on reading glasses and holding up a spiral notebook, Marchi began imitating Asmongold’s response to a previous allegation word for word, with added snark — “Well, who gives a s**t!”

Jamie Marchi is no stranger to controversy. In 2019, she and fellow voice actress Monica Rial were the focus of a lawsuit filed by Vic Mignogna. The voice actor unsuccessfully sued the pair for spreading defamatory statements that nearly cost him his career and blacklisted him from much of the industry due to their connections.
In 2020, critics of Marchi discovered an old recording of her at a Women of My Hero Academia Panel at SacAnime 2018, where she proclaimed, “I have a v***na, deal with it!” when asked to respond to criticisms of bad localizations. She then implied that anyone who criticizes her is a “misogynist” or “Nazi.”

Asmongold found himself thrust into the long-time war of anime fans versus woke localizers when he stumbled upon a YouTube video by anime commentator RevSaysDesu. When his chat explained the issue of localizers rewriting stories, he remarked, “Well then they’re not localizers. They’re just liars, right? I mean, it’s not your job to rewrite the story.”
Rev briefly highlighted the changes in Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid dialogue. Initially doubtful of the stark contrast between the original Japanese and the English script, Asmongold was stunned after listening to the English version. He began to tear into it, “This is so outrageous… it’s like I refuse to f***ing believe it, but it’s right there in front of me! I see it. There it is!”

In a follow-up video, Asmongold criticizes localizers for “trying to abuse use their position to do something they’re not being paid to do.” While watching the 2018 panel video, he replied, “How do you do something like this and not think you’re a f***ing idiot?”
“It actively makes everything else that she does, even retroactively, sus. It makes everybody think, ‘Wait, so if they were able to change the meaning of this, then what about all the other stuff she worked on? Is that the same thing?'” When Marchi compared her critics to Nazi Germany, Asmongold couldn’t believe it. “It’s so insane to me. […] You’re comparing changing a word in a f***ing coomer anime to Nazis.”
“This woman’s forty-six years old, and she’s acting like she’s four to six years old. It’s sad.”
“The thing is, obviously, she’s bothered by it, and it’s okay that she’s bothered by it. I think it would make sense that she’s bothered by it. Naturally, she would be. Why can’t we just have a conversation about whether this is good or not? Why does it have to be personal?”

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Jamie Marchi took that personally. She immediately started a campaign to cancel Asmongold, and accused the streamer of making her a “target” for harassment. “Yes, a dude with over 2 million followers makes me a target to those followers,” Marchi exclaimed in a thread where she was arguing with what she assumes to be fans of his on X.com.
When she wasn’t fighting on X with critics, she was promoting an article written by former ESPN Esports reporter Jacob Wolf, implying a charity Asmongold worked with had misappropriated donations. Wolf tried to get a comment from the creator for the article but was ignored. He later admitted on X that there is no evidence to suggest Asmongold is involved in any wrongdoing.
Wolf is now being sued by the company for defamation.
Asmongold uploaded a response to Jamie Marchi’s video. “The reason why she’s doing it is because she can make it about me rather than about what she’s doing. So it’s like, well, I’m just being attacked by this random guy. It actually has nothing to do with what I’m doing. […] She’s just deflecting.”
“They think that not only are they right, but they think that they have a moral mandate. They think they can tell other people what is and isn’t right, and that’s why they have such a big ego.”
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He continues: “I’m broadcasting my stream. I’m broadcasting my content out into the public, and then people are responding to it. Because that’s what they can do. I am so sick of these pussies that go and cry and complain whenever they get pushback in a public space.”
In response to Marchi claiming she’s been sent death threats, Asmongold scoffs. “Well I guess let’s just stop talking about anything that you do, because there are some crazy people on the internet that are nuts. Now we can’t talk about anything. Imagine what the logic behind that is.”
“You’re never going to change her mind on this. Any of you guys that are tweeting at her and trying to explain why she’s wrong you’re not going to convince her. You can’t use logic for a person that doesn’t use logic.”
In her TikTok video, Jamie Marchi points out that he has “well over 2 million followers.” Rev then wonders, “Now, why do you think she mentioned that?” Asmongold answers, “To display a power imbalance as if I’m bullying her. That’s one, and I’m not sorry, and I’m going to keep doing it. Too bad.”
In regards to the charity, Asmongold points out, “She’s trying to use this as a method of defending herself. It’s not important to her whether like, what’s the truth of this, what’s not the truth of this. This is just simply being used as a tool, and this is the problem that these kinds of people have, is that, even using some sort of charity thing, anything they can, they think is totally fair game.”
“This might come as a big surprise to you guys, but the reason why I haven’t talked about this is because there’s an ongoing lawsuit. Big f***ing surprise, I haven’t talked about the big thing that there’s a lawsuit about. […] Rest assured, after it’s over, I will have something to say.”
He also points out that the clip that Marchi pulled her statement from wasn’t even in regards to the charity. It was directly addressing her accusation that his fans were a hate mob sent to harass her. “I wasn’t even talking about this. I was actually talking about her accusing me of, like, sending a hate mob after her and hating women. It didn’t even have anything to do with this in the first place, it’s just that people took it with that, and they ran with it. It was completely out of context.”
“I don’t bother to correct the context with this kind of stuff enough because it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t make a difference, and the people that misrepresent it they have no accountability for making stupid decisions and I always wait for somebody that does, and here you can see somebody who did no research did not look into the context of me saying that I had nothing to do with any of this.”
He closes by saying, “You can call me whatever you want. It doesn’t bother me. It doesn’t matter because here’s the reality. There’s something that’s worse than anything I can say to somebody like her is that whenever I wake up in the morning, I’m still me, and she’s still her, and that’s why I don’t really feel like I need to respond. I don’t need to stoop down to that level, and I wake up in the morning, and I thank God that that’s the case.”
With Marchi’s constant arguing on X, it’s likely that a response will be forthcoming.
What do you think about localizations? Do you side with Jamie Marchi? Leave a comment below and let us know what you think.
I sure do love undiagnosed personality disorders.
Marchi is the worst kind of cun.t, fat old woke bitch