A recent article from Niche Gamer exposes how The Japanese Communist Party has created a “secret” report urging its members to report fanservice manga to the United Nations. The goal seems to be to create international outrage among world leaders and their representatives and shame Japan into self-censorship.
The JCP has previously stated its commitment to free expression both in a vote against a bill in 2010 as well as a party statement in 2021. It’s true nobody with even an underdeveloped level of common sense should know never to take a communist at their word. That said, this recent underhanded attack on the manga industry is likely due in part to a recent change in leadership at the start of the year. Tomoko Tamura, the first female party leader, seems to be taking the JCP in a new direction. No longer feigning support for free expression and instead directly attacking it by seeking to leverage international pressure against Japan.
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The blogger known as Togetter was the first to report on this after discovering the report form in Red Flag, which is described as a magazine for communists that linked its readers through a QR scan. The form asked to specifically report on magazines featuring new manga chapters, including those of Young Jump, Young King, and Young Animal, which have featured popular titles from Kingdom to Berserk. The blogger featured the questionnaire in full, stating that it at first seemed as if the magazine was attempting to do research. But it appears as though, depending on the answers, it would then urge fellow communists to take these titles to the United Nations as opposed to the mangaka or publishers in Japan.
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Only five years back the JCP was attempting to use Anime as a medium to spread their message. Creating several characters and even their own anime theme song, but this was at a time when the JCP seemed to still be committed to the idea of freedom of expression. So, to see the party use divisive and underhanded means to get manga, which is usually translated into an anime medium, to be their target is surprising.

The party under Tomoka Tamura seems to reject this tactic of attempting to bring people into their party by relating to their interests. Instead, it wants to use its vocal minority to create international pressure to force Japan to change its ways. Though it’s quite fitting that the JCP, who the government of Japan once repressed from expressing their ideas freely, now seeks to control conversations and popular culture through governmental interference by restricting freedom of expression for all.
What are your thoughts on manga and the Japanese Communist Party’s efforts to report it to the United Nations? Share your opinion in the comments!
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Fuck The UN, their an evil Marxist organization.
I had no idea there was an open communist party in Japan