Doctor Who has been plagued with problems ever since the BBC announced Russell T. Davies’s return as showrunner. The 60th Anniversary Specials starring David Tennant failed to captivate audiences with low ratings and painful identity politics pushes, leading into the Ncuti Gatwa era, which looks like Disney has had its hand in reshaping the show to be completely different from its previous state. Weeks before the release of the new season, Ncuti Gatwa is out attacking fans and telling them they shouldn’t watch the show.
It’s a bold move, and something that woke activists in the entertainment have used for a long time. We’ve seen comic professionals, gaming companies and more tell long-time fans not to consume their products, but now Doctor Who has taken that leap with Ncuti Gatwa after he’s received backlash for his incendiary comments.
Troubles started for the show from the moment the 60th Anniversary Special aired, when Russell T. Davies, writer, and showrunner, put a proverbial middle finger up at fans by introducing a new “Rose,” but this time a trans man pretending to be a woman. If audiences didn’t accept this new character, the dialogue beat the audience over the head with redundant and patronizing dialogue as characters repeatedly referred to the guy as Donna Noble’s “beautiful daughter” repeatedly.

Russell T. Davies further riled up fans against this incarnation of the show, giving an interview to the Radio Times stating the new season will upset fans and “annoy people,” making it clear he is intentionally causing outrage with what fans consider poor writing choices for future Doctor Who episodes.
In The Church On Ruby Road, however, the opening sequence somehow managed to get worse with the political agenda. It showed Ncuti Gatwa as the Doctor dancing in a skirt and blouse in a club while Millie Gibson looks on. His new female companion then proceeds to get in a car with a clear transgender person who towers over the rest of the women while wearing fishnets. To make it worse, that man sang a sultry, feminine Christmas song to drill into the heads of audiences that this will be the new normal.
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Ncuti Gatwa has done a press tour making strange statements since the BBC revealed his involvement in Doctor Who as the 15th Doctor, making it clear identity politics would play an important role in the coming season. These statements have been compounded with bizarre proclamations that he wants to see The Doctor “twerking” in order to fight monsters, making fans wonder if this is just going to be some homosexual pornography show rather than a science fiction epic.

Last week, Ncuti Gatwa made matters worse for Doctor Who, claiming white fans are “malfunctioning” because he’s black, before going on a lengthy identity politics accusing fans of supporting “white mediocrity” while complaining about how hard it is for a black person to get roles. Oddly, it looks like he received this role specifically because of his race and because of his LGBTQ activism.
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Now, That Park Place is reporting that he’s gone further, lashing out at long-time fans of the show and telling them not to watch Doctor Who if they don’t like the casting choice, series direction, or his attitude.
“Don’t watch,” Ncuti Gatwa said. “Turn off the TV. Go and touch grass, please, for God’s sake.”

Telling fans not to watch a show is a strange reaction. Instead of showing contrition for incendiary remarks, it appears as if Ncuti Gatwa, Russell T. Davies, and the rest of the production team intend on doubling down until there are no Doctor Who fans left.
What do you think of the comments from the 15th Doctor for fans to not watch the show? Leave a comment and let us know.
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Agreed don’t watch. The same goes for everything else don’t watch that trash let it tank. Support the parallel economy.
Message received! I will not watch.
I didn’t need his advice not to watch.
But, as a UK citizen with a T.V. I do have to pay this idiot’s wages.
please cancel your TV license.
You can’t cancel the license if you have a TV.
It’s a law, not an optional add-on.
At least they stopped the license for 2027 for the BBC and their funding is frozen so it ain’t increasing.