Flying Sparks Volume 1 is eligible for best graphic novel. Please vote for it!
The Civil War Is Already Here – Miss Michigan Stripped Of Title
If you didn’t already see it when I have been systematically de-personed by the science fiction publishing establishment who blacklists me from conventions, organizations, and anything else because I dare to have opinions that are different than theirs politically, it’s going to the next level now. They’re targeting a young Asian girl who won the […]
The Obsession With Alan Moore Creates Bad Writers
It was announced yesterday that Alan Moore will be retiring from writing comics. I haven’t read a new comic of his since Prometheus, Tom Strong and Top 10, which were frankly the best works of his I read at all. Alan Moore made his career on deconstructing superheroes, in essence ruining what made them fun […]
It’s Just Poorly Written FanFic
Every single day I still see all over my feed: OMG WHY ARE THEY CALLING FOR GAY SPIDER-MAN OMG WHO’S GOING TO WRITE BATMAN NEXT, I HOPE NOT BENDIS! OMG SUPER CAPTAIN MARVEL GIRL The same outrage train used by the same youtubers to perpetuate a click cycle of the exact same stuff they were […]
What Storms Are Going On In Your Life?
During our times of biggest troubles, it’s crucial that we surrender ourselves to God. It can be overwhelming and we don’t want to lose control during those dark moments, but remember that light ALWAYS overcomes darkness, because darkness is only the absence of light. Whatever you have going on, no matter how difficult it may […]
Meme Of The Day: If 007 Is A Black Woman…
….I think this is an equally stunning and brave move. If you like these memes, read my totally non-controversial series. The Blood of Giants is available on audio, and its my best work to date. Steampunk adventure on a faraway continent!
I don’t owe explanations
I get a lot of angry people coming at me all the time (I know you’re shocked). I supremely frustrate people a lot more than most because when they make angry demands of me, I don’t take them seriously. In a latest, I’m dealing with a ‘HOW DO YOU SUPPORT A RACIST DRUMPFFFF?” And I […]
Meme Of The Day: Feminists Are Crazy
I’d lean toward needing an exorcist and a strong father to tell her she shouldn’t be out there whoring around, personally, if her vagina’s talking to her. If you like sane women, you’ll probably like Flying Sparks, a story with a loyal woman, no crazy feminist narratives and just good clean fun. Shipping now, buy […]
On Artistry vs. Consumer Culture
The artists I like won’t sacrifice their vision for a few bucks. It’s about the art, the beauty, the creation, trying to do something others haven’t and to expand their own horizons. I was thinking about this while driving last night, listening to LIndsey Buckingham’s Seeds We Sow album — and yes, I know he’s […]
Meme Of The Day: RIP Jeffrey Epstein
I appreciate Hillary Clinton’s heartfelt condolences for his pending suicide. If you enjoy memes, stories, comics, whatever, just wanna support, back my patreon! It helps me to produce all this stuff monthly which costs my time as well as hosting, art, editing, etc. And I fight these asshole globalists who bring children to be their […]
Someone’s Feeling Threatened
A couple of weeks ago, I just blocked the remaining ComicsGate yahoos of “pros” who turned a right wing rebellion against leftism in comics into their personal brand, after finding out that they were ushering in artists who were pulling the same crap that creators like Dan Slott or Mark Waid do regarding fans who […]
Meme Of The Day: Stunning and Brave Casting
Could you imagine the horror? If you don’t hate white heroes cuz you’re not an SJW, buy Flying Sparks volume 2 from my online store (I get 95% of the cut here vs. Amazon or other sites, much better!). It’s shipping NOW! Get yours today!