You might remember last year, when I made an effort with several other great authors to support OdysseyCon, after SJW author Monika Valentinelli decided to torch the convention last minute and flake as a guest, citing that she literally couldn’t even that some man was going to be there who made an off color joke […]
Book Blast: Imani Earns Her Cape: A Middle Grade Novel by Bokerah Brumley
We love highlighting authors who are fighting the good fight over here, and Bokerah is one of those authors who does great works. She just released a clean reads middle-grade targeted novel, and we should support her efforts. If you have middle grade or young reader types, think of going this direction before something like […]
Press Release: Jon Del Arroz’s Statement On SFWA President’s Continued Bigotry
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Jon Del Arroz’s Official Statement On SFWA President’s Continued Bigotry Cat Rambo’s Conduct Toward Science Fiction Professionals Is Reprehensible San Francisco, CA April 13, 2018. SFWA President Cat Rambo has shown nothing but contempt for the independent author community in statements dating back to last year, when she called a blog post on […]
#FearlessMen: Jason Cordova on being Fearless
We are very pleased to have a special guest post from Jason Cordova, a bestselling Hispanic major award-nominated author and veteran. He’s also a huge hit in Japan, with his novels having been translated to Japanese. We at JDA Books are proud to support his brand new book, Darkling, as the first in our #FearlessMen […]
Marketing And Mindset: What To Learn From #FearlessMen #FearlessWomen
When readers discovered my science novella, “Gravity Of The Game” (hint: you can get it for free up top this site by signing up for my mailing list), the commentary. I received the most was “I don’t love baseball, but it’s very clear you do, and I loved this book despite not being interested […]
JDA Books Presents a Year of #FearlessMen
Men are shining in every genre of speculative fiction, and it is no longer enough to say “Men are here.” Instead, #FearlessMen everywhere are taking a stand to say “Men will thrive here.” Despite the efforts of companies like Tor Books to shut them out of the industry. Beginning this summer, meet a new generation of #FearlessMen who […]
What You Missed In #MisandryInPublishing Last Week Will Shock You
Misandry in publishing is very real. It’s a women’s game, as I produced evidence with in science fiction, a genre with a false-perception that it’s the only man-controlled wing of publishing, last year. What happened when I called it out? The president of the lone trade guild in science fiction, SFWA, actively tried to destroy […]
Robert A. Heinlein Is J.K. Rowling
…at least to the right-libertarian crowd. You can’t go through a single conversation about books, science fiction, anything without Heinlein being invoked as if he’s some kind of deity, or as if his future history is somehow prophecy (even though it was kinda poorly strung together later as a retcon to make them all in […]
The Happy Frogs Hugo Awards Slate Is Creating Waves At File 770
Like clockwork, the crazies at File 770 went hard on attacking me, Christianity, everything the last couple of days and this morning as they saw the OFFICIAL Happy Frogs Hugos slate. Being on the Happy Frogs slate is honestly a greater honor than the Hugo Awards themselves, so I know most of the writers are […]
My New Patreon Short Story Is One Of My Best
I wrote a fairly long story this month for the short, but it’s one that I’d been developing conceptually for awhile. It’s got a lot of cross-genre elements to it, as I mashed up a lot together. It’s standalone, not in any of my other worlds (though I thought of a sequel story to it […]
CLFA Book Of The Year Award Voting Open
The CLFA Book of the Year award voting is open, to the public at this. I, of course, implore you my humble readership to vote For Steam And Country, the hottest new steampunk series of 2017 for this exceedingly influential and prestigious award. We’re already off to a hot start in the lead for the […]
Civil Rights Aren’t Just For Groups Of People You Like
The entire concept of civil rights is that they apply to groups of people you might be uncomfortable with over their identity. It’s a civil right because it’s a right that is due every human. “This doesn’t apply to x group” goes against the very essence of what civil rights really are. In an effort […]