Oakland sports media was flooded the last couple days on how Bruce Maxwell was unfairly treated when he went home to Alabama, a restaurant (single waiter even in his version) refused to serve him because of the way he disrespected the country. Bruce of course framed it as “the waiter said he was a Trump […]
New Federalist Article
Yesterday a new article in the Federalist dropped on problems in the publishing industry. It runs so deep, and I didn’t even get into the deep personal harassment one takes if they’re going counter-Narrative or even if their identity is “wrong”. It’s a madhouse out there, but everyone here knows how far it goes. Check […]
Eating Our Own
Over the last three days I’ve gotten no less than 40 messages from random people warning me about Candace Owens, AKA Red Pill Black. I was told she’s a fraud, a phony, a doxxing social justice warrior in disguise. This all came from internet rumors. Of course, I spent quality time with Candace this last […]
World Series Predictions And Other Baseball Matters
Earlier this morning I received a call from the Oakland A’s front office, folk a little higher up in the org than your standard fare. They called and said they were happy to hear me out and they were hoping that I might reconsider my season tickets for next year. I told them I had […]
Everyone’s Aware Of The SJW Problems, Now Do Something About It
Robert Tracinski wrote a nice article this morning on what it would look like to have a Culture War win. Visionary writing like this is necessary because we have to be able to envision the goal’s results if we’re going to figure out how to get there. However, I also think it’s premature. It’s only […]
Review: Rocky Mountain Retribution by Peter Grant
Peter Grant’s Brings The Lightning was my favorite fiction work of 2016, so I was thrilled to see a sequel come out this year. The first story is one of travelling west, working hard, and persevering through all sorts of adversity. It’s really a testament to the American dream, perfect thematically for a western and […]
Oh, There Are No Problems In The Industry
“I just don’t want to get involved.” “You’re just too negative these days.” “Extremist.” “I don’t like the way you’re doing things not necessarily what you’re saying.” I hear it all the time. Every time there’s a contingent of industry professionals or wannabe professionals who want to impress the old guard who’s rapidly losing their power in […]
Periscope: Playing The “I Don’t Want To Be Associated With…” Game
It’s a foolish game, and it’s a big one in comics and science fiction. It’s an enemy tactic to actually hurt independent thinkers in culture to force us into divisions that are rather pointless. I give my thoughts on it. One of my more important periscopes and worth a watch. https://www.pscp.tv/w/1nAJEWvvByXKL Alternatively, I will have […]
Alt-Hero Gets Mainstream Media Attention
https://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/vox-days-alt%e2%9c%b0hero-comic-book-answers-call-right-wing-challenge-sjw-marvel/ A nice article on the project, of which I’m excited to be a part of. It’s really making waves in culture because of how hungry people are for content that doesn’t signal to SJWs. Very encouraging. And with Chuck Dixon and my involvement, you can be sure it’s going to be awesome fun. Do […]
Interview With Dragon Award Nominee Daniel Humphreys
Yesterday, Daniel Humphreys released the second book in his popular zombie fiction series, A Place Called Hope. He stopped by the blog here to answer a few questions about the book and series: Zombies have been all over the media these last ten years with a lot of books, comics, films and tv shows. What inspired you […]
Marvel Comics Editor: All Men Are “Part Of The Problem” #ComicsGate
The implication is clear: all men are evil and abusers if only by proxy. Not to mention this is quite the marginalizing of male victims of sexual abuse. It reminds me of the way I saw a lot of posts this last year with you say “I’m not” that’s exactly what a Nazi WOULD say. […]
4chan vs. Shia Labeouf Season 7
This has been the most compelling reality show on the internet, probably of all time. I blogged about it a few months ago when the first couple of seasons of capture the flag occurred, so far with 4Chan undefeated even into this seventh season. Now the stakes are so much higher, and the flag is […]