This actually would have been a great example for the increased vitriol I was talking about in my last blog post, but I just saw this video Marvel released, where they had a very old and frail looking Stan Lee talk about how Marvel “always has touched on cultural issues” — a standard mantra I […]
As We Win More Bigly, Our Enemies Get More Desperate
What a couple of weeks its been! First, I want to thank my readership for their tremendous support and faith in Gravity Of The Game. I’ve only received great feedback on how wonderful of a story it is, and most of that is coming from non-baseball fans! Like always, I put a heavy focus on character and […]
Gravity Of The Game Novella – Out Now!
It’s new release Wednesday and I’m pleased to bring you this short book I’ve been working on for awhile. It’s already getting phenomenal reviews from advance readers and it’ll be a great quick read for you as well. Commissioner Hideki Ichiro is planning a field of dreams on the moon. The World Baseball League’s viewership […]
Why Did I Write A Baseball In Space Novella?
I did a little informal chat on periscope earlier about this, and chatted about my process and where my ideas come from as best as I can. And a reminder, I’ve now got it set up where I’m broadcasting replays of the periscope on YouTube. So if you don’t know how to use the Periscope […]
Thursday Youtube: RPGs and Writing With Jeffro Johnson!
Jeffro Johnson literally wrote the book on RPGs and writing, a critical analysis that changed my life and my perspective on fiction in SF. The book is Appendix N, named after the famed appendix in the original Dungeons & Dragons, showing the influences of its creators in Sci-FI and Fantasy. It’s beautiful, and the genre […]
Still Not Tired Part 2: FREE Novella Giveaway!
Despite a concerted high school-style effort to get people to shun me by the Mean Girls club, I hit 1,500 followers of Twitter today. I like round numbers, so I’m going to celebrate by giving away a free advance copy of my forthcoming novella, Gravity Of The Game! Made it! Thank you everyone for following […]
Still Not Tired Of Winning
What a month it’s been! September saw about the largest smear campaign ever run against me since I’ve come on the scene as a science fiction writer and journalist. I’d thought it was bad in August when the Dragon Award finalists were announced, and NYT Bestselling Author John Scalzi took to twitter to make chain-tweet […]
Busy week! Another Interview!
I’ve been really burning the candle with content this week, gearing up for the release of my new novella, Gravity Of The Game — a short book imagining the game of baseball being brought to the moon. I appeared on Jeremy Maddux’s Quiet Place podcast to talk about my journalism last week and my big […]
Comic Review: X-O Manowar #7
Aric has donned the X-O armor up to the shoulders now, and is regularly wearing it, despite the fact that he spends time talking to the armor and telling it how it is simply a tool (poor good skin!). He’s uncovered in quick fashion that the plot of the general to bring in this monolith […]
The Most Offensive Periscope Ever
All this week I’ve been promising that today I would deliver my most offensive, outrageous Periscope ever. And I delivered: This is so over the top action that it’s banned from government institutions, schools, and polite company, and probably should be banned from the internet as well.
Bre Fauchex Interviews Me
If you missed my interview with Bre Fauchex yesterday, it’s here: It’s mostly a discussion on my article about anti-male discrimination going on in Science Fiction, and the bizarre blowback I received from daring to ask a question and do a little research. Hope you enjoy!
A’s Tickets Burned
Had some techincal difficulties where it didn’t post to Periscope live and the tickets are actually very hard to burn and didn’t provide the super exciting optic I’d hoped, but it’s done now. America First.