The moment’s finally here! The sequel to my first #1 Bestseller on Amazon is available on audio. You can get the book for an Audible credit and continue your Rislandian adventure. Spies and traitors everywhere! Apprentice Knight James Gentry is used to a life of travel and adventure, but now he’s been assigned to stand […]
Bounding Into Comics – DEPLATFORMED
Facebook isn’t just going for the high profile names, but a small entertainment news site that posts articles running contrary to mainstream narratives, one that makes a big push in promoting independent comics and films, has been removed from its 325,000+ following facebook page. They’re censoring even entertainment news. The page was just deleted. They […]
Meme Of The Day: The Chad Trans Woman
Men are better than women at everything, including being women. If you want to read about great female characters who actually act like real women, and not the “men with tits” in most modern sci-fi, read For Steam And Country. I don’t do strong female leads – I write feminine female leads.
Have An LGBT Sandwich
A business made the mistake of trying to pander to the SJW nutjobs by making a Lettuce, Guac, Bacon, Tomato, sandwich and naming it such for a pride parade. Not only that, but the business is even donating money to their cause (which I’m not even sure what the cause is anymore, as these parades […]
Meme Of The Day: Getting Shifty-Eyed
Watching Anime is a lot of work. What’s not work is reading my books. Make sure to catch up on my steampunk series now! New books soon! Buy the #1 Bestselling steampunk series now.
Writing Sequels: The Fine Balance
I wrote my first three novels without much of a plan. I know that sounds crazy, and it was. I think most authors don’t start out with thoughts of where they’d like to go within the industry. We’re trying to feel our way into what we want to do. For me, those novels were in […]
Meme Of The Day: Deplatformed From Everything
Is it even something we can laugh at? This may be coming soon to a refrigerator near you. Make sure to grab my books if you enjoy my humor. You’ll love the personality of my characters. ALL of my signed books are up on my BackerKit store now.
Meme Of The Day: Remembr Happy Place
Do you do METH? You should. Mindset! Zaira’s mindset is always one of winning and determination. Read the #1 Bestselling and award-winning series everyone’s raving about, starting with For Steam And Country. New books Spy Training and The Iron Wedding coming soon!
There’s A War On For Your Mind – Fighting The Real Battles
Good morning to one of the few places on the internet true right wing thought isn’t censored. The situation is getting a lot more serious. It’s compounding. Facebook yesterday announced they were banning Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Milo Yiannopoulos and Laura Loomer, four of our best commentators, journalists, and researchers who are strong influencers […]
Meme Of The Day: Learn The Rules, Whitey!
It’s important to know your place. Buy my books, even though there’s white people in it. I’ll try to do better in the future and make a book with no white people.
Defeating The Fun Police
Everyone is outraged! Outraged I tell you! Get mad, get a mob, let’s go! It’s pretty standard par for the course. I first noticed it in the stodgy convention scene of science fiction, literally a place that’s supposed to be a gathering of fans and pros to have fun, kick back and get trashed at […]
Meme Of The Day: Too Hot For Satan
As mentioned on Facebook yesterday, I’m moving my memes to a controlled environment where I don’t have to deal with “muh offendeddddd” nonsense by internet whiners who want to fight all the time. If you’re a facebook friend, you can blame gamma males for their inability to just move on when they don’t like something. […]