@ElectricDino12 reports this morning that IndieGoGo has not delivered him his funds on his comic book, Rebel Yell #2, even though the campaign closed back on Feb 21st. “Indiegogo has had since Feb 21st to disperse the funds for our successfully crowdfunded Rebel Yell Issue #2, but they say that the comic has yet to […]
The Next Push Toward Sexualizing Your Children: Marvel Movies
All the buzz over the weekend about End Game from the usual suspects has been that “it’s not enough representation”. “When are we going to have an LGBT hero?” Combined with media posts golf clapping for Marvel for apparently having a gay hero in it (I didn’t see the movie). This is the next big […]
Back To The Grind!
As if I ever left it… but it feels like during crowdfund campaigns I spend a lot more time promoting than I do writing (cuz I do). It drains the heck out of me, believe it or not. I don’t find it super fun to do youtube show after youtube show over and over, but […]
Why Do People Clap During Movies?
It’s something that is pretty much only a part of geek fandom movies like The Avengers. But like monkeys, people in the theaters go and clap during the title sequence, or after the movie, as if they’re applauding someone for an excellent performance… …but there’s no one there performing. It doesn’t make sense. It’s pure […]
Another Convention, Another Banning Over Politics
In the most absurd instance of this kind of discrimination by conventions yet, East Coast Comic Expo has banned creator Larry Higgins from exhibiting his books at their convention. in this banning, he wasn’t accused of doing anything wrong himself — but the accusation involves him TALKING about a controversy which has nothing to do […]
Revolutions Need A Purpose Or They Will Not Last
Waging the culture war is often like beating your head against a wall on repeat, hoping eventually the wall will fall down. It requires a hard head for one, but you’ll find more often than not that people you thought were on your side will attempt to put walls around you. It sounds like a […]
#HimToo – Sexual Abuse Of Men Is Real, But No One Talks About It
Bonnie Randall, a paranormal romance author, stops by to talk about male victims of sexual abuse in conjuction with her new book, Within The Summit’s Shadow. Sexual abuse of men is much harder to talk about societally because there’s no “cool trendy thing” around it if you’re a guy. Bonnie is a social worker in […]
Sparks are FLYING! It’s the Last Day
We hit $15,000 this morning! Which makes me so happy because it means all backers are going to be getting the Meta-Girl: Origin short comic as a PDF. People have asked me to detail out her origin forever and it’s nice to finally get it done. Here’s a sample of the first page of that […]
A Retrospective Look At Matt Kindt’s X-O Manowar Run
One book is responsible for getting me jazzed about comics again after I’d been unexcited for several years. I’d been burned far too many times by Marvel/DC with event after event, retcon after retcon, and just a lack of fun or wonder coming from them. X-O Manowar by Matt Kindt and Tomas Giorello changed that […]
The Final Countdown
We are really close too the end of the Flying Sparks campaign! Right now we’re sitting at a point where everyone’s getting so many indie comics from the community it’s such a great value. But there’s more immediate stretch goals that are obtainable. This needs to be pushed over the top! First up is back […]
Pro-Tip: Always Stay Hungry
Last night one of the strangest things in sports happened that I’ve ever seen, but I’ve seen it many times before. I know you’re anti-sports here for the most part, but bear with me, because it’s relevant. The Warriors, for those who don’t follow, are the most dominant team in basketball over the last 5 […]
$10K Achievement Unlocked!
Last night was amazing! I was out playing worship like I do most Thursday nights, practicing for the weekend with some of the best musicians in the Bay Area, and I come back home, open up my browser, click my campaign… boom! We got there! This $10K number is one I wanted to unlock for […]