The #MeToo movement went completely out of control this last year and a half, destroying men’s lives, dragging them through mud, and more often than not, during incidents that are complete falsehoods like in the case of our supreme court justice Brett Kavanaugh. Award-winning journalist Megan Fox will be joining us on the lunch stream […]
Cover Reveal: Miss Sashi’s Flying Sparks 2 Swimsuit Variant!
The post you’ve been waiting for, as i know everyone’s been hyped to see this for quite some time. We finally have it in, and this will be the LIMITED EDITION variant cover for Flying Sparks Volume 2: Mob Ties. She did a beautiful job and I’m very excited to see these in print. We’re […]
I See The Same Mistakes In Every Culture War Battle
Every time there’s a flare up, the folk who try to be fence sitters and moderates do exactly the same thing. They’re engaged in a battle because they’re attacked, or some of their friends are attacked, and they try to play a “voice of reason” in this. The problem is, when you’re in the middle […]
The Truth About Fighting Big Tech And The Culture War
Brian Neimeier wrote a blog today about Big Tech, and utilizing their institutions that makes the point far better than I ever could. Is this a shit state of affairs? Yes. Will cutting ties with the tech oligarchs and publishing exclusively out of a personal web site with a storefront solve the problem? Demonstrably not. […]
An Interview With Me – Culture War & Steampunk
Did a nice interview with Russ Meyer over on his blog. Which was a lot of fun, talked about mostly writing and culture war topics. So, Jon…what’s up?(ie, tell us a little about yourself) I’ve dialed back a lot of stuff in order to just focus on fiction writing lately. That means less journalistic writing, […]
Despite The Alt-Left Trolling, My Lawsuit Against Worldcon is Going Forward
Last week we received news of my lawsuit against Worldcon 76, which I made for their wanton discrimination of me because I’m a vocal conservative author and the defamation they used to justify it by calling me a “racist bully” on their website. There are two major components to the suit, both very important because […]
Why Bother Being Republican?
The latest case of Chase Bank’s removal of Martina Markota’s bank account, over what appears to be for no reason other than her being a vocal right winger, is just another example of why the Republican Party does nothing except for harm you as an individual. If it’s known you’re a republican, you’re going to […]
Make Science Fiction Fun Again Now On Audiobook
Very excited to get this short story collection out on audio, including fan-favorite novella “Gravity of the Game”. This took quite a while to make because of the length of the book, so it should be well worth it on the audio side. It’s available through audible, so if you have a credit, now’s the […]
Flying Sparks, Alt-Hero Cover Reveals and More!
If you missed the lunch stream today you missed a LOT. I read the prologue to the alt-hero novel, showed everything on the Flying Sparks Volume 2 Kickstarter coming soon, and went through every single comic project with preview pages. Did you know I have EIGHT graphic novels in development? I’m running circles around the […]
Mainstream Publishing Has Changed A Lot – And For The Worse
Author S. Andrew Swann stops by today to give his take on the craziness in YA Publishing as of late. I published my first novel, Forests of the Night, in 1993. I was in my twenties and had all the emotions one would expect from a debut novelist. I was getting published! The world was […]
Legendary RPG Designer Banned Because Of Phony #MeToo Claims
Breaking news is that a gaming convention, GaryCon, just cut a guest of honor from their convention, Frank Mentzer, because of “harassment” allegations. The convention circuits seem to be stepping up their nonsense in recent weeks since the Vic Mignogna allegations in Anime. Like usual, conventions are trying to out-woke each other. Frank is one […]
For Steam And Country Revised Edition Now In Print!
Last week I mentioned we did a re-edit of For Steam And Country and brought it up to my modern writing standards with professional formatting (and we added a nice timeline to the back of the book as bonus content which goes over the history of Rislandia). We also put together a nice Wiki of […]