Renowned for his creation of the iconic Hellboy, Mike Mignola ventures into new fictional realms with the introduction of the Bowling With Corpses and Other Strange Tales From Lands Unknown anthology, marking the inception of his latest Dark Horse imprint, Curious Objects. This collaborative effort with his longtime publisher, Dark Horse Comics, heralds the birth […]
IDW Publishing Slashes Jobs Again After Promoting Heather Antos To Head Of All Licensed Properties
The comic industry has been in a downward spiral over the last decade, with sales becoming shaky as specialty comic shops close. While Marvel and DC have big parent companies to keep them afloat, smaller publishers like IDW Publishing are becoming more at risk of failure under the current business model. As these companies continue […]
DC Comics Writer Mark Waid Uses Ed Piskor Death To Attack ComicsGate Calling Group “A Vicious Dogpile”
Mark Waid seems to have a problem with his online life, as he loves being a big proponent of cancel culture to the point where it often gets him into trouble. This week, he’s been ranting on a comic book message board, lecturing people on how to behave online while blaming ComicsGate for the tragedy […]
C2E2 Engages In Blatant Discrimination While Hosted On A Government Property
As reported earlier by the Fandom Pulse’s Jon Del Arroz, C2E2 has canceled the press pass of Anna, That Star Wars Girl, a popular YouTuber and journalist on the X platform, announced to her thousands of fans that she was no longer allowed to report on the C2E2 convention being held at McCormick Place in […]
Arkhaven Comics Announced Completion Of Vampire Comic Series Midnight’s War Volume 1
Arkhaven Comics has announced the completion of Volume One of the comic book MIDNIGHT’S WAR. The team is currently awaiting the arrival of the proof, after which they will proceed to sign off on it and subsequently distribute it to the backers and release it for wider distribution. MIDNIGHT’S WAR, created by Arkhaven Comics, written […]
Alex De Campi Breaks Silence On Cartoonist Kayfabe Ed Piskor, Retweeting It’s “Harder” To Come Forward Against Men In Comic Industry
Comic industry whisper network queen Alex De Campi has been fairly silent about the Ed Piskor situation ever since he dropped his suicide note on Facebook. The embattled Cartoonist Kayfabe artist named several names responsible for his demise, including Alex De Campi, Evan Dorkin, and Ramon Villalobos. With the comic industry being such an insular […]
DC Comics Pushes Transgender Ideology On Teens With Bad Dream: A Dreamer Story Comic Spin-Off From Arrowverse
DC Comics’ woke Arrowverse took an edgy turn when they introduced the character The Dreamer, who was played by a transgender actor Wyatt Maines, who goes by the pseudonym Nicole, a person propped up by the mainstream media for transgender activism. Now, DC Comics is running advertisements targeting teens for a new graphic novel of […]
The Comic Industry Is Rattled By Cartoonist Kayfabe Artist Ed Piskor’s Death
After posting a long note regarding his intentions and naming comic industry whisper network goons Alex De Campi and Ramon Villalobos as a large part of the reason for his actions, Ed Piskor of Cartoonist Kayfabe was confirmed dead by his family in a Facebook post. The tragic act culminated after a week of comic […]
The Ed Piskor Saga Takes A Darker Turn As Cartoonist Kayfabe Artists Puts Comic Industry Whisper Network On Blast In Suicide Note
As we thought, the Cartoonist Kayfabe Ed Piskor saga had come to an end with Jim Rugg’s cancellation of his partner after leaked screenshots revealed Ed Piskor poorly flirting with young female artists online. However, the story has now taken a darker turn. Ed Piskor has written a suicide note and named names in the […]
Dracula: The Return Review – Welcome to the Stokerverse!
Dracula The Return is the brainchild of Dacre Stoker, the great-grandnephew of Bram Stoker and Chris Mcauley. Together, they have created the Stokerverse, which promises to be a rich setting within which we will see the events directly proceeding Bram Stoker’s novel, Dracula. Be advised, Fellow True Believers, that this is not an all-ages book, […]
C2E2’s Oppressive Code Of Conduct Gives Organizers Carte Blanche to Target Anyone
As reported earlier, the C2E2 convention, which will be held from April 26 to April 28, has canceled an exhibitor appearance by Inglorious Rex creator Shane Davis, Godlike and Graveyard Shift creator Jon Malin, and Cyberfrog creator Ethan Van Sciver. As more details emerge with the creators speaking out, the cancellation is based on “offensive […]
Former Marvel Comics Artist Jon Malin Alleges C2E2 Convention Canceled Him, Shane Davis, and Ethan Van Sciver Over Nebulous “Offensive” Comments
Jon Malin (Cable), Shane Davis (Wonder Woman, Superman: Earth One), and Ethan Van Sciver (Green Lantern, New X-Men) were set to host a table at the C2E2 convention to the delight of fans across the internet who wanted to see many legendary comic artists in person for the first time, but according to Jon Malin, […]