If for some reason you DIDN’T grab For Steam And Country while it was free earlier this week… now would be a great time to help push the book to the #1 slot in steampunk. Grab it here.
Meme Of The Day: It’s Parody, Stupid
This meme takes some explaining. Mark Waid made a rambling post about someone’s making a parody of a panel from one of his comics, saying ‘white supremacists” on the internet were trying to mess with him: And here’s what the internet thinks of that: If you like my memes, you’ll probably like my comics. And […]
Suspended On Twitter For Defending A Woman From Harassment
Yesterday I was suspended on twitter for the dumbest of reasons: I was defending a woman known as Nerdette or Tristen on youtube from a very frightening piece of harassment she was receiving by an unhinged gamma male who was leaving comments of the level that she probably should be calling the police on him. […]
Radio Appearance 1180 WHAM Rochester NY
I’ll be a guest on this radio show tomorrow morning at 6:35 AM PST / 9:35 AM EST https://wham1180.iheart.com/?fbclid=IwAR3xRZEcTwFHKVXI-SzS7LeeXvtSDSyHC6LA6i3Ng84_mq5t3Zl83FnXHag If you’re not local, the link above will work. Enjoy!
Meme Of The Day: When Ur Deplatformed…
No one cares. Sometimes they care if a celeb gets it but then their caring is selective. All of the tech platforms are shitty to everyone on the right. Boycotting campaigns are stupid. Our only hope is the government to step in and regulate these destructive companies. F for Soph Last day for my free […]
Yesterday Is The Ultimate Gamma Male Fantasy
I don’t go to see movies very often because of the time it takes and expense just never seems worth it to me, but my kid is a huge Beatles fan so I went to the movie Yesterday. There is some mild swearing and talk of sex and a “fade to black” moment where it’s […]
I’m Blown Away By @VallisAlps
We interrupt my normal blog to talk about… what i want to talk about cuz this is my damn blog! I find often that readers tune out when I switch topics to baseball or music, but whatever, this is what I’m into at the moment. I discovered a band called Vallis Alps. I know nothing […]
Meme Of The Day: Are You Ready For It?
Cuz they’re coming for our guns now. Support my books before they’re banned. First is still free!
Yesterday was nuts!!
More than 15,000 people downloaded my book yesterday. The message is clear: people want my work, they want good fiction, they have no tolerance for the abject bigotry of the Science Fiction Writers of America’s treatment of Hispanic authors like me. Right now, For Steam and Country is sitting at the #3 book on all […]
Meme Of The Day: The Lord Is An Avenger
I bet Jesus could take down the Hulk. Don’t forget to snag your free copy of For Steam And Country while the gettin’s good. #8 of ALL BOOKS on Amazon. #1 Sci-Fi. Feels good.
SFWA, Mass Shootings, And The Ugly Ideology Of White Supremacy
As a Hispanic man, reading the El Paso shooter’s manifesto about Hispanics being a problem that need to be remedied, and how we’re the ones taking the jobs of whites chilled me to my core. I’ve faced this same attitude in real-time, with the old-guard establishment whites in science fiction publishing doing everything the can […]
Meme Of The Day: I’m So Sorry I Offended You
Truly how will I ever make up for it? Make sure to grab The Blood of Giants, my best book, and one that is on audio for you to enjoy through your audio credits. It’s got nothing offensive. No Savage Jungle Warriors or white heroes or anything like that.