We expanded our comic line in August by publishing Napalm Brothers #1 by Sixth Scale Combat. This is one of the better indie books on the scene with a gorgeous art style and a crazy action-packed bizarro plot. Issue 2 picks up right where issue 1 left off with even more wild twists and turns […]
Why Do Churches Never Shame Real Sins?
One thing I’ve been coming across over and over in this “online world” of church where pastors are trying to be YouTube stars only cringier, rather than actually building a local flock that’s together in a meaningful way, is that churches love to just talk about the social cause of the moment, amplifying the same […]
Steve Ditko in the 1960s Review
Halloween SPOOKTACULAR: Rachel Rising Volumes 1-2 Discussion w/ Cap’n Cummings!
The Destruction Of Our Superheroes
D&D Is Triggered By Their Own Game System
When we can’t acknowledge that differences exist between people in real life, we definitely can’t acknowledge that fantasy creatures have differences, because, we have to take everything to extremes in 2020. D&D announced they would be removing all negative racial modifiers to the games. You know, like Orcs getting -1 intelligence, or Dwarves -1 Dexterity. […]
Indie Comic Review: Sword of Justice #1
The Tragedy of CW’s Supergirl Show
What’s With Comic Book People?
I haven’t been the target of much hate in awhile, but I was talking with a comic professional this morning who’s dipping out of the industry and working on other things simply because he takes so much abuse he doesn’t want to be around comic books. The guy’s a mega-talent, does amazing work, but it’s […]