OAN Host Jack Posobiec will be joining us on the lunch stream today. This is one of our biggest guests so I hope everyone will try to be there. Here’s the link to my channel. Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss this stuff. And reminder that Sanctified is out. Catch up on my […]
I Really Want To Catch Up On South Park
Unlike the coward NBA, Trey and Matt from South Park don’t seem to be playing the game with China. Their content got banned and they left a snarky response to China’s censorship: It reminds me why South Park really is, oddly, the only pure thing left on television and the only show worth watching. These […]
Killstream Tonight
I’ll be on Ethan Ralph’s Killstream tonight. I’ll be on around 7:30 PST. The Link is here.
Who Do These Big Corps Care About? Spoiler – Not You
It’s been an interesting 24 hours watching the NBA deal with a series of tweets encouraging democracy in China. The league scrambled and went full court press over the Houston Rockets’ owner standing up to China’s corruption — as the country then retaliated by cancelling NBA games there and making threats I’m sure to the […]
Amazon Is Censoring… GUNS?
In about one of the craziest acts of censorship I’ve seen this year, the Leading Israeli Voice In Science Fiction, Yakov Merkin, had his Amazon ad pulled for his book because it has a gun on the cover. Look at the message her received: Now how many sci-fi or action book covers have characters with […]
What I Learned From Dan Slott Confirmed Everything I’ve Been Saying
Last night I watched an interview with Dan Slott (Marvel Writer) that went over his Spider-Man run in depth, which Marvel had him on for about 10 years. I stopped reading after J. Michael Straczynski departed the book, reading a little here and there just because I couldn’t drop the habit for awhile, but I […]
The People’s Champion Reviews Flying Sparks!
I’ve just started watching this but very excited for this esteemed channel to be reviewing my book. Give him a subscribe and a like. And get in on Volume 3 here.
Sanctified – New #DeusVult In Space Novel – Out Now!
I popped my calf at the gym this morning and I’m in an immense amount of pain so I’m not sure I can promote with my usual grandeur… …but the series that is transforming science fiction has a new book today! Sanctified! Picking up right where Justified left off. Will Drin atone for abandoning his […]
If You Cuck You Lose – Kickstarter Edition
I just learned Mike Miller got his Kickstarter banned. I’m not surprised in the least, and honestly, my take is that I find it funny. Back in September 2018, Mike, Ethan Van Sciver, Jon Malin, Doug TenNapel all launched crazy personal attacks on me based on a few anonymous trolls going around shrieking “alt right” […]
The Review Copy Of Cyberfrog On Ebay Now!
For sale! A piece of comics history thrust right into your hands! Ya Boi’s review copy of Cyberfrog — complete with an exclusive gem, the ONLY original art by Jon Del Arroz known to exist. Bid now! http://ebay.us/hwtTt6?cmpnId=5338273189
Setting The Record Straight On Birds Of Prey
The Legend Chuck Dixon brought up some important history of comics yesterday, when the Bird of Prey trailer was released, noting that everyone got a credit in it… except the original creator. About the most interesting thing I saw on the internet yesterday other than Ya Boi’s review of Cyberfrog. I hope comic movies start […]
Why Is Ethan Van Sciver Desperate To Brand Flying Sparks A Failure?
The embattled former DC artist has goneon a tirade about me ever since Justified hit #1 bestseller early in September — and stayed there. It really upset him, for reasons I can’t comprehend because his work should have nothing to do with whether my books get read or not. But Ethan seems to have what […]