The premise of this book is a relaunch (not retcon or reboot as it seems to follow the continuity and actually care about what Kindt delivered, actually referencing it in the script – which there’s a portion of in the Pre-Order edition I read), is someone’s going around killing all of the prior Ninja […]
It’s Okay To Be Male, a site that so egregiously banned from commenting one of the most popular minority authors in the field today (yours truly) for posting about actual on topic space opera during their #SpaceOperaWeek instead of playing their identity politics garbage, is back at it again. Today their writer urges a QUOTA on what you read […]
Leave Taylor Swift Alone
Marie Claire digs into Taylor Swift for her extreme– not saying anything about politics? Is this seriously what we’ve come to? The modern witch hunts by the extreme SJWs are so crazy that now they go after you if you simply don’t jump on the outrage train and shriek with everyone else. Or maybe a […]
Can Gamma Male Protagonists Evoke Classical Pathos?
I had an interesting discussion with a friend last night as we were digging far too deeply into anime. Almost every anime show (especially those set in a high school environment, which is the majority of them), have male protagonists that are your classic gamma male archetype. They are socially awkward, especially around women. When […]
MAGA 2020 Makes PJ Media!
Ace Reporter Megan Fox is the ONLY conservative media commentator to cover the anthology, some of the only pop culture out there going counter-culture to the anti-trump mainstream. She’s brave for covering it, we’re brave for making it. Makes a great combo. For years we conservatives have complained impotently about the derailing culture and lack […]
Review: Win Bigly by Scott Adams
Win Bigly By Scott Adams As an author who enjoys the marketing aspects of my business, I am always hungry in good marketing strategies or psychological persuasion analysis. As such, I’ve been following Scott Adams for some time, as he’s been keen to talk about the topic. His citing of Robert Cialdini’s Influence only gave […]
Comics to Prose Writing Styles
A lot of readers came here this year, but for those unaware of my history, I cut my teeth on writing in comic form. I became serious about comic script writing in 2010-2011 when I created my webcomic, Flying Sparks, which did pretty well with an audience and lasted 8 issues. Going back and reading […]
Happy #MAGADay!
One year ago we s tarted winning again. Is it any wonder my debut novel came out the asme week the God-Emperor fulfilled his prophecy to ascend to the Cherry Blossom thrown? Well on the one year anniversary of all the hard work we put into our memes, which became reality to Make America Great […]
My Thoughts On the Brian Michael Bendis Move
I got the first hot take on Periscope this morning, one of my better Periscopes: Follow me there or I post all of them to YouTube when technology cooperates. Make sure to subscribe and tell your friends: Big news for comics. And if you want big as in big league, you’ll want to check […]
Comic Review: Batman Dark Prince Charming
Batman Dark Prince Charming comes in a nice hardcover package – a bit small for the hardcover treatment and at a bit of a steep price point at $12.99 for what looks like a thin book. It doesn’t help the book comes shrink-wrapped so if you’re not in the know in having researched it, you […]
In Praise Of Jeffro Johnson
I’ve been writing for a little more than a decade, and seriously since about 2012-2013, but it wasn’t until I started reading Jeffro’s posts on the Hugo nominated Castalia House blog and his Appednix N book that something clicked in me. It’s because of him I shifted my reading habits from the modern sci-fi political […]
Thanks For Reading!
Another bigly popular week at the blog and I really appreciate everyone who comes and takes the time to read. Hopefully it’s been fun and informative. I’m hard at work on Baron Von Monocle 2 for National Novel Writing Month — about 6,800 words in as I write this. If you haven’t checked out the […]