I’ll be on talking Indie vs. Trad Pub with Dragon Award winning author, Brian Niemeier. Tune in! I’m sure the both of us will have very nice things to say about the traditional publishing market/outlets/corporations.
How I Use Rhetoric To Sell Books
I’ve been thinking a lot about the use of rhetoric vs. dialectic lately in life, and how that works as a tool for persuasion. I won’t get into the details of it, but you can look up some pundit guy you may have heard of named Aristotle if you want to get into the nitty […]
Anthology Review: Straight Outta Tombstone
Straight Outta Tombstone – edited by David Boop. Between the title and the cover, it didn’t take much for me to be salivating over buying this. I’m a big fan of the Weird West, as many folk know, going back to my work on Doomtown Reloaded for the Deadlands RPG universe. Add in some of […]
LibertyCon Round Up!
Just getting back from LibertyCon, and I have to say I was pretty blown away by how awesome it was. Almost as awesome as being a gangsta with author A.M. Freeman here: As much as I understand they had some issues with capacity for the hotel, the actual convention at a train station and inside/around […]
#SteampunkMonth Review: Everland by Wendy Spinale
I went into Everland not knowing what to expect. I saw steampunk wings on a cover, heard it was a Peter Pan retelling but Steampunk, and that was enough to get me in the door. It turns out it’s more of a “twisted fairy tale” which I found out afterward is a genre in and […]
Where The Heck Is Jon?
Hello there loyal readers. I am quite sorry that this is the first time in… well, since you probably started reading that I haven’t had at least a blog a day up during weekdays, and that I’ve left you hanging for two straight days. That’s not very nice of me! I mentioned my LibertyCon schedule […]
LibertyCon Schedule – June 30th, Chattanooga TN!
I’ll be going to libertycon this weekend, and I’ll be in Nashville a couple of days before that to go see the Charlie Daniels Band and watch the Nashville Sounds play baseball. I actually have a pretty packed schedule but I’ll do my best to make time for everyone. At libertycon: Day Time Name […]
Social Media Strategy: Crowd Source Fun Things!
Something I do that’s different that I don’t see a lot of other authors do is crowd sourcing. “How do you crowd source books?” one might ask. I actually do it fairly regularly. I give my readers voices in what blogs they want to see and what I’ll write about if I have multiple ideas, […]
Psalm 40
Many of you probably don’t know it, but it’s been a rather hard week for me. I don’t say much about things like that, because I am a firm believer that mindset, energy, pushing toward goals are the way to overcome things. There’s also trusting in God. Instead of reading the news every morning, I’ve […]
#SteampunkMonth Review: The Guns Above by Robyn Bennis
The Guns Above by Robyn Bennis is a Steampunk war story about a woman who, by luck and her willingness to fight, becomes an airship captain. She is set up by the general, with his nephew Bernat being sent aboard to report on her and provide evidence she’s incompetent. After the opening battle, the first […]
Speaking Out Against The Disavow and Disassociate Game
I’ve dealt with this game for a long time on a personal level, and see it going on elsewhere on a regular basis. Back in 2015, I wasn’t all that well known in the science fiction community. I had my group of friends locally, and was on the periphary of Anne McCaffrey’s sorta crew (who […]
#Steampunk Month Retro Anime Review: Steamboy
The first comment my wife made for this movie was during the opening crawl, where she said “why is it that all these take place in Manchester, 1866.” Too true. Then again, she watches primarily BBC historical dramas, which all seem to take place in such a setting. This took a different take. I watched […]