A question I often get is: why do I engage with the leadership of SFWA and others who have legacy positions in science fiction? They clearly have it out for me, so is there any good that comes from talking? I had good relationships in the past with several of the legacy names in science […]
Announcement: The Return Of Flying Sparks (Making Comics Great Again!)
Over the last few months I’ve been working on comics in tandem with my award winning novel series. I’ve penned several comic issues which are in various stages of development. What I’ve learned in creating comics I that it’s a slow game. More often than not, collaborations with artists don’t work out and you’re stuck […]
Friend Friday: Ben Wheeler On His Pulp Influences
Ben Wheeler stopped by the blog today to talk about his pulp influences in his new novel, Sheikh Of Mars. This is a unique piece of literature, unpretentious and very awesome. A jewel I have offered to the crown of the literary West. My muse whispered the finest and highest secrets of heaven into my […]
Star Wars Creators, Media Lash Out At Star Wars Fans In Attempt To Sweep Their Failure Under The Rug
Ever since Solo debut in the box office, we’ve been hearing rumblings from the media about how the film was a dismal failure. Forbes came out with an article on May 27th calling it a “bomb”, following several articles across the internet where it mentioned Disney was ready for the movie to fail. In some […]
How To Know If The Negative Voices Are Right Or If You’re On The Right Track
As you progress in any field, or really anything in life, you’ll find that you will get a contingent of negative voices toward whatever you do. They’ll come in a variety of forms from outright hostility, to some subtle passive aggressive remarks, even to quiet concern over the direction you’re heading. It can get overwhelming […]
Federalist: SJWs Must Uphold The Same Standards They Place On Us
My new article is up in the Federalist this morning about double standards and the way we’re targeted and destroyed by them en masse, and yet we don’t put enough pressure on them for their horrific behavior to keep them accountable. The double standards for what constitutes a fireable offense in the entertainment industry are […]
Conventions Fight Back Against The Shrieking SJWs
It seems no place in culture is safe from a coup attempting to turn it into a “safe space” in 2018. Every convention, cultural gathering, institution is flooded by social justice causes. In most cases, the pressure gets to be so enormous they bow to the mob and ruin their once fun and entertaining institutions. […]
Fear And Loathing In SLC: How A Social Justice Mob Got To Brandon Sanderson
Vague accusations of harassment. The media dials in on it like white on rice, escalating the sound of the severity with each article even though they’re only sourcing themselves. No details or evidence of what happened. Big celebrities jump on the train, condemning anyone remotely involved. No, I’m not talking about GamerGate. This is about […]
But Why Do You Defend THAT Person? Aren’t You Angry About How They…
This is a follow up to my viral blog about our movement, from last week. We’re at war. There is a side that’s in lockstep. They don’t care how offensive any of them treat us. They don’t care how crazy they go in the defense of the cause. They are the Borg. They’ve made whole […]
What We Can Learn From Roseanne’s Handling of SJW Attacks
Watching what happened to Roseanne yesterday was incredible. One tweet mocking an appointed official — a single person mind you — and her job was gone, her reruns pulled from other networks, her agent dropped her as a client.The entire weight of hollywood and the media came on her to trash her and act like […]
Writers Beware: Wiscon Has Gone Full Crazy
Over the weekend, WisCon held its 42nd annual conference, They are a conference known for causing trouble for individuals and generating group hate outrage, with several past incidents, including the targeted doxing of an author who disagreed with them politically, as well as the target and destruction of an editor’s career because he made an […]
Friend Friday: Daniel Humphreys On Proper Word Counts For Indie Authors
This Friday I’m happy to be joined by my good friend, Dan Humphreys. He’s best known for his Dragon Award nominated zombie series, but he also does really cool urban fantasy work with Fade, his recent book out by Silver Empire Press. He stops by to talk about word counts for indie authors, and how […]