Just because we’re winning awards around these parts doesn’t mean we’re stopping working. I’ve got two very exciting things to announce that are out now: One, the James Gentry novella, “Knight Training” is available for $3/mo patreon subscribers. This is the direct sequel to For Steam And Country and it’s set between books 2-3. Readers […]
CLFA Book Of The Year Award Winning
Thanks everyone for all your hard work in going out and voting on this. It was a really tough fight on this front, because every book on the list was 100% deserving. It was even harder on one front, because of dozens of votes coming in each day for both For Steam And Country and […]
CLFA Book Of The Year Award – Last Day To Vote!
First off, for the 220+ people who have voted for For Steam And Country already, thank you so much! Super humbled, and energized to work hard to get you books 2-3 out this summer, and the James Gentry novella “Knight Training” which will be available to patreon subscribers tomorrow. But there’s just a few hours […]
SJWs Mob Attack Girl For Wearing A Dress
This weekend, crazy mob “social justice” reached peak crazy when this tweet hit the internet: https://twitter.com/jere_bare/status/989981023076208640 It’s retweeted thousands of times, thousands of people and went on this poor high school girl’s feed to ridicule her, call her names, etc. in an attempt to bully her over a prom dress. She wore a prom […]
We Are On Our Way To World Peace – How About Peace In Geek Fandom?
This last week has been one of the most inspiring, uplifting weeks in perhaps the course of human history, certainly of this century. We have Kanye West reaching across racial and cultural divides to embrace President Trump, and vice versa. We have north and south Korea coming together and putting an end to hostilities after […]
Don’t Fall For The Fear Tactics Used To Silence Artists
Kanye West again is blowing minds this morning. I was going to write about something else, but fear tactics were used against me my entire way up as a writer, and it held me down for years. Don’t say anything about being a republican or a christian, it’ll hurt your brand. It’ll only turn people […]
You’ll Be Shocked At How John Scalzi Treats His Fans
Science Fiction author John Scalzi has had a strange obsession with me since I first rose to popularity with the nomination of my debut novel for the Dragon Awards for Best Military Science Fiction last year. For some odd reason, my success was threatening to him. It bothered him that my books get accolades, even […]
What We Can Learn From Kanye West
I did a periscope earlier about Kanye and an overall state of the union on culture, and I think I said everything I could have stated on the blog this morning (plus, my laptop is dead so I don’t really have a great way to write). Check it out: Jon Del Arroz explains what Kanye […]
Be The Change In Culture
Last week I asked a simple question, after seeing an article that virtue signalled to SJWs saying “Well I don’t always agree with X’s tactics, but….” in regards to a right wing artist. It was another right wing artist’s blog and I made note on how the right always tries to disassociate with each other […]
Knight Training – A James Gentry Novella Coming Soon!
Happy to announce the James Gentry novella is complete, which was written at the request of several fans asking for a story where James is more developed and in the lead. This is entirely from his perspective, and will act as a bridge between books 1 and 2 of The Adventures Of Baron Von Monocle. […]
Our Enemies Can’t Laugh
Have you ever noticed that the SJWs social media feeds are filled with vague posting about anxiety, depressing, rage, and just general disdain for the world as it is? To them, the entire world is a dark, dreary place. There’s no hope, there’s no point. Yet they’ll lash out anyway. It’s part of their philosophy […]
Federalist: Outrage Media Calls For Violence Against Taylor Swift
My new piece is up at the Federalist. It’s crazy the length’s they’ll go to to try to hurt this poor woman: http://thefederalist.com/2018/04/18/yes-gq-writer-actually-called-taylor-swifts-cover-september-hate-speech/ Do share around.