Like clockwork, the crazies at File 770 went hard on attacking me, Christianity, everything the last couple of days and this morning as they saw the OFFICIAL Happy Frogs Hugos slate. Being on the Happy Frogs slate is honestly a greater honor than the Hugo Awards themselves, so I know most of the writers are […]
My New Patreon Short Story Is One Of My Best
I wrote a fairly long story this month for the short, but it’s one that I’d been developing conceptually for awhile. It’s got a lot of cross-genre elements to it, as I mashed up a lot together. It’s standalone, not in any of my other worlds (though I thought of a sequel story to it […]
CLFA Book Of The Year Award Voting Open
The CLFA Book of the Year award voting is open, to the public at this. I, of course, implore you my humble readership to vote For Steam And Country, the hottest new steampunk series of 2017 for this exceedingly influential and prestigious award. We’re already off to a hot start in the lead for the […]
Civil Rights Aren’t Just For Groups Of People You Like
The entire concept of civil rights is that they apply to groups of people you might be uncomfortable with over their identity. It’s a civil right because it’s a right that is due every human. “This doesn’t apply to x group” goes against the very essence of what civil rights really are. In an effort […]
Christian-Themed Short Fiction From Superversive Press For Easter!
My publisher, Superversive Press, has a couple of Christian-themed books out for Easter. These are top notch writers who I wholly endorse, written by very good men. If you want to read some quality fiction and keep your focus on Christ this weekend, here’s your spot. This is what’s out: Lou Antonelli is a fellow […]
He Is Risen
For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, This is of first importance, and don’t forget it. Jesus fulfilled prophecies, he came here for us, and he resurrected. […]
PRESS RELEASE: A Step Forward For Civil Rights In Fandom
March 31, 2018 San Jose, CA For Immediate Release: Today was a step forward for the cviil rights of conservative-libertarians in SF/F, as Jon Del Arroz attended the Hugo Award Nomination ceremony without harassment from the Worldcon 2018 staff. It proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Del Arroz is 1. not disruptive at […]
Hugo Awards Finalists Announcement – Tomorrow
I will be attending the Hugo Awards Finalists Announcement tomorrow in my capacity as a science fiction writer and journalist. Happy to sign books for any who attend. The announcement will be at the 7 Stars Bar & Grill, located at 398 S. Bascom Ave, San Jose, California at 12:00 PM Pacific Time. Hope to see […]
Retro Review: A Circus Of Hells by Poul Anderson
A couple of weeks ago I reviewed Ensign Flandry, the first of the character of Dominic Flandry, and I was so impressed with the space opera that I found myself eagerly awaiting the second book. Been actually rereleased these books as 3-book omnibuses in a seven volume set a few years back, so I was […]
I Watched The Premiere of Roseanne, And Here’s What I Thought
Usually I stick to geek culture topics on the blog, as that’s what my readers through views have told me they care about, but, nothing in the last 24 hours has quite captured the general entertainment news media like Roseanne. The relaunch of the show garnered a 5.2 share of the 18-49 demographic, which Deadline […]
Why Disney Can’t Make A Good Star Wars Film To Save Their Soul
Disney just can’t do Star Wars. They don’t understand it. And there’s a big reason why—they’re a soulless monolithic corporation trying to recapture nostalgia in a property that is really about intense spirituality. You can’t create spirituality if you have none. Star Wars really fell off my radar after The Last Jedi, which I found […]
Image Comics CFO’s Thin Defense Of Attacking Christians
On Sunday, the CFO and one of the original founders of Image Comics, Erik Larsen, posted a tweet mocking Christians. It was duly reported by Bounding Into Comics as something egregious and insensitive to the religious — especially done on Palm Sunday. Many people on Twitter were offended by the tweet, and Erik Larsen joined […]