It’s the return of friends Friday, a new feature for 2018 on the blog where the platform here is used to give some other great voices in fiction some attention they deserve. Today, we have Clara Storm, who you can follow on Twitter @TanukiHanabi and she’s also on Steemit here. Clara dives into the differences […]
How Terrible Gossip Destroys Friendships – My Story With Jennifer Brozek
I usually avoid heavy discussions on my blacklistings, because I think it’s proper to respond with quick mocking, showing that I’m able to shrug it off. Which I do often. But this is a personal matter and the light needs to shine upon it. This is the story of how a working relationship and friendship […]
How Poul Anderson’s Science Fiction Genre Warnings From 1975 Apply Now More Than Ever
Yesterday, Dave Truesdale, editor of Tangent Online, sent me a classic interview he did with science fiction great, Poul Anderson. He warned me it was a short interview, but that didn’t make what Anderson said any less substantive. It was eye opening to see how Anderson saw the genre in 1975 — already in decay […]
God Is In Control
I spoke with a friend a couple of weeks ago, details changed to protect the innocent, who’s been trying very hard to get a job in a certain arena he’s very good at. I mean extremely good. The type of person where if I needed advice in the field, I’d turn to him for it. […]
Dangerous Article: Did Twitter Violate California Civil Rights Laws?
Article is here: And if you like my articles, do support my books! For Steam And Country is still going strong with great reviews. Join the reading community that’s revolutionizing sci-fi publishing.
Defending Our Veteran Artists – A Tremendous Success
We all came together in the last 24 hours, united behind a man who served our country and professes Christian faith, who was blacklisted from small indie publishers for making a truthful comment on facebook. And we have good news to report today, that the fundraiser for Will Caligan is at $26,800 as of this […]
Making Peace by Adam Lane Smith
Making Peace is a new book out by a debut sci-fi and fantasy author today worth checking out. Adam has incredible talent with voice and character, and this reads like a book by someone who’s a veteran writer. You’ll note I already gave a blurb about the pacing and action. I read this over the […]
A Crowdfund to Help Will Caligan – Blacklisted For His Conservative Thoughts
I know everyone is waiting on my information with SFWA where I have hard evidence the board of the organization conspired to ensure I was blacklisted within a single day of my application, and then took a full month to invent a reason to justify it. It was pure discrimination over my being an outspoken […]
Book Marketing: Believe In Yourself If You Want Anyone Else To
I’ve got enough success now that I have troll vultures circling my profile every day trying to snipe at anything I say. Exhibit A is an innocuous book marketing post, where I’m appropriating a popular hashtag because it can apply to my book if you change the meaning of it as I did. I’m very […]
That Time When Sour Scalzi Mansplained Being A Strong Woman To Oprah
Very interesting stuff. Scroll to about 20:22 to see the excitement. Talking over her. Interrupting. I literally can’t even. He should attend sensitivity training immediately. If you’re tired of old white men mansplaining, check out the book with a strong female lead by the leading Hispanic voice in science fiction. Zaira is in charge in […]
No One Is Pure Enough For The Outrage Inquisition
The last couple days have been pretty eye opening, as I’ve watched a couple of SJWs get savaged by their own kind for not toeing the line hard enough. The first incident was a reviewer by the name of Bookworm Blues, who was all too happy to attack me for saying it’s not a good […]
Bounding Into Comics Ember War Interview
Bounding Into Comics interviewed me yesterday about The Ember War, which is linked here. Interesting how they’re the only comic media outlet to pick up the announcement, with The Ember War books outselling the vast majority of Marvel/DC comics. It’s almost like the media doesn’t want any competition to the Big 2. Oh well, we’ll […]